Pink-Blonde Hair

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Did Luffy obtain another mother figure?

No Ace yet, but soon~


Chapter 2 ~ Pink-Blonde Hair

The world was currently in an uproar after the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was executed. He was an honourable man that Luffy had actually met once, before there was a pirate king and before he had a name. The man had instantly recognised Luffy as something, other than human. At the same time, he didn't fear him and treated him as a friend.

The man had somehow realised what he is, and apologised for being called as the one who conquered the seas, though Luffy didn't care at all. The boisterous captain even had the gall to invite him to join his pirate crew.

This so-called great captain was apparently also an idiot, who got stranded on his own, and stumbled upon the siren. Luffy almost snorted when the man told him he got lost, laughing all the way. The man also proceeded to tell him all about his friends and family, without any suspicions. He also told him how he was sick and dying, even asked Luffy if he would watch over his wife sometime. Throughout all this Luffy remained quiet and only listened to his ramblings.

After the man left, Luffy would occasionally hear about the great pirate. Sometimes he would search for the man to watch his adventures, and even joined them several times. Though he wouldn't quite belong, seen as a weird and quiet kid. The first time he appeared the captain eagerly introduced him as their welcome guest, and whenever he was there they all treated him well. Talking to him even if he doesn't respond, which mostly the captain does.

Luffy often thought it was a shame that such a great man, which the ocean loved almost as much as himself, would die of sickness. However, surprising the deity, he had given himself up to the marines to ensure his crew's safety.

Even after the man was executed, marines still feared the blood of Gol D. and dispatched people to hunt for his wife, who may or may not be carrying his baby. Hearing this, Luffy realised again how shallow human's were for fearing something that may not even exist. While the marines fear him and his blood, Luffy decided on a whim to search for his wife, to fulfil the favour asked of him when they first met.

He found the woman after weeks of swimming and searching; she was on an island called Baterilla in the South Blue. Luffy had heard soft singing before he even arrived on the island as he swam underwater.

Luffy never actually got a chance to meet her while travelling with the Roger pirates, it seems like none of the crew have actually met her, beside Rayleigh. She looked exactly like how Roger described her, with long wavy and blonde pink hair that reached her thighs, decorated with a hibiscus flower. She also had blue eyes and freckles that splattered her cheeks. The blonde was wearing a flowy, strawberry-decorated summer dress with puffy sleeves and sandals, sitting and singing by the ocean. Her aura was bright and her voice was beautiful, but the song was notably sad. It made Luffy wonder if Roger actually told her his plan, or did she find out through the papers.


A person walked up from the ocean slowly, black worn out cloak soaked and dripping in sea water. But with every step they take, the water seems to glide and drip off their cloak effortlessly, leaving him completely dry.

They were fully covered by their black cloak, revealing nothing.

However, she gets a feeling that this person wasn't normal. Well no one normal would appear out of the ocean, calmly walking at that. She felt wary, and her hand subconsciously travelled towards her stomach where her most precious treasure was in the making.

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