Chapter 12

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By now, most of their memories had come back.

And it wasn't like they weren't relieved, now they had more memories of their friends. They could recall memories of the adventures they'd all had together. They could recall more details about the people around them. No, those memories were welcomed.

It was the bad memories that made them want to conk their brains again.

The memories of their fights, the scary events they've gone through, such as when LBD attacked and possessed them... Those were the memories they didn't welcome.

It didn't bother Wukong very much, though. He coped better just by having people who were aware of what he felt. Besides, being possessed wasn't too bad, just eerie and unsettling. It bothered macaque, though. He hated feeling cold, it reminded him of her.

He also felt guilty. He'd been a bad guy, it hadn't bothered him before, but now he remembered even more bad things he'd done. And all he wanted was for someone to assure him that he was good, a good guy, a good friend...


The team were all having a sleepover at Sandy's boat, including Red Son. Everyone was dressed in pajamas, and Macaque was going to put on a shadow play. He grinned and bowed while the others clapped playfully, "Tonight's story is a horror story! 'The Girl With the Two Braids'." Macaque formed shadows and then laughed loudly, "Don't worry, I won't trap you guys in my lantern again!" 

Before anyone could respond, Macaque started the story.


Everyone was formed in a circle to play Truth or Dare. Wukong nudged Macaque and whispered, "What was that about the lantern?" Macaque turned over, "I trapped them in it to taunt MK. I didn't want them to feel nervous around me." Wukong glanced at Macaque's warm pajamas and scarf with a raised eyebrow, "Uh, Plum, it's not that cold in here." 

Macaque bristled but didn't respond. Mei laughed loudly at Red Son, "Who do you like?" Red Son blushed and smoke emitted from his hair, "Uh, can I switch to dare?" MK leaned forward, "I dare you to tell us who you like!" Now this Macaque found funny.

Having six ears, he could hear just about anything, including the whispers of the future. Though he rarely used the ability. He did, however, constantly overhear MK and Mei swoon together over Red Son. He also tended to overhear Red gush about them.

"I l-like MK and Mei. There, happy?" He nervously looked away, blushing profusely. MK and Mei cooed, "Aww, we love you too, Red!" Pigsy groaned loudly, "It was about damn time!" Wukong grinned, "My turn! Mango, truth or dare?" Macaque eyed him suspiciously, "Truth." He didn't trust his dares, not after he made Tang dump milk over his own head.

"Why are you wearing warm clothes if it's a summer night?" Well damn, Wukong might as well have spat on him and thrown him off a tree. Macaque should've expected that, but still. Damn.

"...I don't like feeling cold." His tail twitched, a dead giveaway that he was hiding something. MK frowned, "Why?" Macaque's hand jerked sideways and he decided to ignore it, "It reminds me of her." No one said anything for a long time.

Sandy, bless him, spoke up, "Tang, truth or dare?"


Soft snores filled the air as Macaque tossed and turned in the sleeping hug pile. The fact he didn't hear any ridiculously loud snores indicated that MK and Wukong were awake. That made him nervous. Macaque hugged the pretending-to-be-asleep monkey and sighed. He was warm.

He wasn't cold.

Loud snores slowly arose, and Macaque somehow fell asleep, content.


Alright, this was getting on his nerves. 

Macaque grumbled as everyone stared right at him, "Are you sure your PTSD is the only stuff we should know about?" Macaque lied, "No." Wukong glared at him, "Liu Er Mihou, that is a lie." 

Macaque froze, then sighed, "I guess me being a bad guy is starting to weigh. I just- I'm really sorry. And I'm scared, scared I'll end up like that again." He could see them, his friends, hurt and scared.

He was terrified he'd be just like...


MK immediately shook his head, "You were angry, hurt. Besides, you weren't really a bad guy. You freed my friends from the lantern when you could've trapped them forever."

Mei nodded, "'Xactly! And you're not like that anymore! Aw, our baby emo isn't very emo anymore... Maybe goth?" Monkey King snorted, "Hah! He was emo!" Macaque pouted but didn't feel insulted at all. 

Monkey King smiled softly, and his eyes glowed a familiar red. Macaque's eyes widened, his Eyes of Truth.

"Trust me, you're a good guy." A warm feeling appeared in his chest, and he smiled warmly. This was all he wanted to hear.

"Thank you." 


Mei looped an arm around Wukong, "Soooo, when are ya gonna shoot your shot?"

Wukong sputtered, "Excuse me?" MK appeared on his other side, looping an arm as well, "When are you going to tell Macaque how you feel?"

Wukong blushed profusely, "Guys, we're lucky we're in a crowd or he'd hear you!" 

Mei grinned, "AHA! So you admit it! You loooove him!" MK immediately started rambling, "Okay, so Macaque likes flare, right? So we need something flashy, but private too since it's about love."

Wukong tried to cut in and was immediately cut off by Mei, "Maybe on Flower Fruit Mountain!"

"Yes! But then what?" Wukong tried cutting in again, "Guys-" "Oh! How about a picnic with Macaque's favorite things?"

MK nodded away, "Yes! But at night time, with candles! Macaque likes flowers, right? He could use those, too-" 

"GUYS! That sounds great, really, but he might not feel the same way. And even if he does, his hearing's too good to surprise him!"

Mei groaned, "He clearly loves you, ya dum dum! The hearing is a good point, though..." MK smiled smugly, "Pencil, paper, texting."

Mei nudged her energetic friend and grimaced, "Monkey King can barely read and write. Pretty sure the man's got dyslexia or something." Wukong wrinkled his nose in offense, "I can read and write just fine!"

Mei gave him a deadpan expression, "Spell 'dyslexia'." Monkey King grinned confidently, "Easy! D-i-s-l-e-k-s-i-a, dyslexia!" MK grimaced, "Wrong." They all groaned out loud, "We're doomed..."

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