Final Chapter!🎉🎉

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Somewhere in Kaduna
The Usmans Residence

Getting home, Ummi walked Zahra up the stairs to her room without uttering any word to her. She's probably thinking about Zahra's condition and what is actually running through her mind. She had a lot of questions she wanted to ask Zahra but she couldn't. After tucking Zahra in bed, she held her hands lightly.

"Zahra dear, is there anything you want to tell me?". Ummi asked with a light smile.

There was a pin drop silence...

Zahra only returned the smile, tears were already welling in the corners of her eyes. Ummi knew at this moment she needed to be left alone.

"Good night my dear". Ummi pecked her cheek and left closing the door behind her.

Zahra only smiled and closed her eyes.

Zahras POV
I lay there in bed not knowing what is going on in my life. All I could remember is my name is Zahra and I'm a girl without a past. I have no idea if my life was filled with adventures, love, betrayal or regrets. I knew it wasn't a wonderful experience because of the condition I find myself. Since I can't recall vividly, I didn't even try to because of the malicious headache I was having.
I heaved a heavy sigh and allowed my tears to flow freely soaking my pillow. After crying my heart out, I slid under my covers waited for unconsciousness and soon I blacked out.


"Zahra! Hey Zah! Wake up!". A familiar voice called.

I mumbled and groaned half asleep.

"Zahra wakeup or we'll be late for lectures". The voice called out again and this time, I could actually figure out who's voice it is.

I opened my eyes and to my greatest surprise,Jawaria was standing in front of me.
I jolted fully awake and sat on the bed. I wiped my face a million times just to make sure I was seeing clearly.
I'm I dead and gone to heaven??

"Dead! Astagfirullah, Zahra stop talking nonsense. You missed first period already, Nazir and I were sick worried about you since you have never missed lectures before". Jawaria was still explaining,her lips were still moving but I wasn't even listening.

I searched my body for bruises, scars or so but nothing. I felt a stinging pain in my head and I let out a loud scream.

"Zahra, is everything Ohkay with you??" Jawaria hurriedly walked towards Zahra who was holding her head and screaming loudly "Granny! Granny!!". Jawaria screamed and Granny came in hurriedly as if on cue.

"Subhanallah...What is the matter with her?" Granny lay Zahra's slender figure on the bed and sat beside her, she held out her hands and started supplicating in whispers into her ear. She knew clearly her granddaughter had just had a nightmare, she didn't know what exactly it was all about but she knew it terrible.

Few minutes later, Zahra opened her eyes and granny hugged her tight

"What's going on? Did I just have a nightmare? I'm I still In Saudi? I'm I married to alhaji? Is this really happening?" Zahra raided in her thought.

"Breakfast will be ready in 5". Granny's voice dragged Zahra out of her thoughts.

"I'll be down in a jiffy"Zahra managed to reply.

Jawaria sat beside me and placed her comforting hands on my shoulder, instead I pulled her close and enfolded her in a bear hug. I missed jawaria so much and for a sec I thought I would never see her again.

"That's enough, freshen up and meet us downstairs. You do not wanna keep Nazir waiting".

After jawaria disappeared, the next person I badly wants to speak to is ummi. I wanted to know how she was faring, I wanted to know if she was fine, I wanted to hear her call my name once again. I picked my phone up from the nightstand and decided to FaceTime her.

"Habeebty" she called in her light voice as her face appeared on the screen.

"Ummi". Was all I said before I burst out in tears.

"Subhanallah Hayati! What's the matter? Is it Nazir? Or grandma?" She looked freaked out.

"It's just that I thought I'd never see you again". I said as more tears poured out of her eyes.

"Astagfirullah Zahra, why would you even say such?". She asked gently. " I'm right here baby, and I'm not leaving your sight. You know I'm always here for you right?

Zahra barely nodded.

"It's okay we should talk about this later, in the meantime go freshen up and please give up crying okay?"

"Okay" she managed to say and hung up.

After hanging up, I sat on the nightstand and let out a loud sob and more tears poured out of my eyes. It was later on I decided to give up crying and go freshen up.
I had a quick refreshing shower, rolled my hair into a bun as usual and changed into a classic abaya dress. I looked into the mirror, I smiled weakly at my reflection as I wrapped my head with a black headscarf. I dabbed lip gloss on my lips, applied powder to hide my puffy eyes and sprayed my London Burberry. I quickly picked my handbag, notebook,phone, slid my legs into a regular flat and quietly walked out of the room. Downstairs, breakfast was served. Pancakes, orange juice, and cereal. Food would have been my only desire right now but the sight of it made me all queasy. I sipped the orange juice and said goodbye to granny.

"Shall we" Jawaria announced and I smiled.

The blinding effect of the morning sun hit my eyes and I shot it immediately, I tried to open my eyes again and this time they were used to the light. While I was trying to adjust my sight, there stood the love of my life... Nazir. We held each other's gaze for some time before he gave in.

"Hey baby" Nazir smiled at me, I felt like crying just hearing his voice.Before he could utter another word, I pulled him into a hug. I didn't care about what granny would say, I didn't realize how much I missed him until now. I sniffed him and whispered in his ears "I miss your scent".

"But it's just last night I saw you last?". He asked surprised still holding in.

"Yea I know..." was the only thing I could utter while struggling with the stream of tears that were already welling in my eyes.

He held my hands tightly as we walked to the car.
"Your Highness". He gestured as he opened the door for me to get in. I smiled at him and got into the car.

My return to Nigeria, my arranged marriage with Alhaji, Hajiya Luba, the mysterious death of my baby and other frustrating scenarios were all a dream, a very bad dream indeed . Alhamdulillah I'm still Zahra Gwarzo Muhammad, The luckiest girl ever!
I thought of narrating it all to Jawaria and Nazir but Naaahhh,it doesn't really matters. What matters right now is my reunion with the best people in my life Jawaria And Nazir. My mysterious dream will be story for another day!
I smiled once again as we zoomed out of the compound into the streets of Saudi Arabia...

The End...

Hey world! ❤️❤️🌍
Alhamdulillah I just completed SABR: Life of Zahra.
Turns out everything that happened was a dream.
Actually I didn't plan to end it this way but I had no other option, the book has been incomplete for almost two years. I just wanted to complete it and Yayyyy I did it!💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

Thank you all for your votes all the way. The book is number 262 with the hashtag #arewa, thanks a bunch because I couldn't have made it without your reads and votes. May Almighty Allah reward you abundantly.
Please don't forget to share my book, help me get to the promise land!.

Watch out for my next book "my LIFE ON CAMPUS" which will be coming out soonest.
Xoxo 😘 🤗
Aboki Hussainah Yakubu

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