•|CHAPTER 16💜🏝️|•

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Abuja, Nigeria.
Alhaji Gwarzo's Residence.

There was pin drop silence in the Gwarzo's sitting room. Ummi sat down at the far end of the sitting room on the royal two-seater, she was surrounded with crumpled up tissues, her eyes were also bloodshot and her body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears,shaking her legs continuously. Abhi on the other hand stood in the middle of the sitting room pacing the huge sitting room his face as cold as ice.
There were both obviously thinking about the mischievous incident,the death of their daughter Zahrah and her husband, Abhi's friend. Abhi was silent, while his wife wept bitterly. She had warned her husband severally but he didn't listen. Her first daughter Zahrah is gone for good.

Suddenly Abhi broke the silence. "Zahrah,my very own daughter...was she insane?". He paused considering what he had just said, he continued. "How could she even think of such an evil thing".

Ummi slowly raised her head to look at her husband.

"Alhaji are you blind? Don't you see this is all a cock and bull story? It's all a made up story. My Zahrah will do no such thing Alhaji, someone is behind this. Just come to think of it, my own daughter Zahrah will never abort her own baby all in the name of she didn't like her husband. And at the end of the day, they claimed she committed suicide does it even make sense?, I mean where is her dead body or ashes at least".

" Arrant nonsense!". Alhaji roared." Stop ranting, your daughter has ruined my reputation".

"Alhaji, we just lost our daughter and all you care about is your reputation?". Ummi closed her eyes in anger, she turned her head away avoiding an eye contact with her husband.

Abhi scrunched up his face."Zahrah has brought shame and disappointment to this family, indeed I made a big mistake for sending her abroad, I would have kept her here in Nigeria and watch her closely. How do I roam around the streets freely with this shame Zahrah has caused to this prestigious family". Abhi said angrily.

"Alhaji I still don't want to believe that you think Zahrah could do such a mischievous act, Alhaji I know my daughter Zahrah...

"Nonsense! ". Ahbi cut her short and slapped his palm on the table."Look woman, Zahrah your daughter is gone and gone for good. You should be thankful the governor didn't send his people here to arrest us or do anything.
Have you even thought about what she did?. Poisoned her own husband and burnt herself. What wickedness! The more I think of it,the angrier I get. So if you know what is best for you, you had better stop all this drama you are putting up and pray for your daughter. If I ever hear you saying anything related to cock and bull whatever, I'll be forced to send you back to your parent in Saudi Arabia". Alhaji warned and walked angrily back to his chair and took a seat.

Iman came running down the stairs,she must have heard her dad yell at her mum and she wanted to know what exactly was going on. She sat beside ummi and hugged her tightly.

"Ummi stop crying it's okay". She wiped the wetness from her mother's cheek.

♥️ Quote of the day♥️
"Go for someone who is proud to have you".


♥️ Hey peeps!! Double updates 🤸🤸🤸💃💃💃♥️
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