•|CHAPTER 7💜🏝️|•

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December 2020.
Saturday morning🌄

The piercing sound of my alarm clock as usual brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cozy, warm duvet as part of my body were gradually turning on, my eyes fluttered open and suddenly I realized I had to go to the supermarket today. Getting out of bed, I walked slowly to the bathroom.
Ever since the incident, i have been living in fear. My life became a living hell. Alhaji refuses to speak to me or even see me, hajiya Luba is still mad at me for something I know I didn't do. I can't believe they all think I could do such an evil thing.

The only reason that made Alhaji not to throw me out of the house that night was because of the relationship that exists between him and Abhi.
Ya salaam, I would have been thrown out like a bag of trash.
Wait... How do I even expect them to believe me when my own father does not. Abhi called me that night and gave me a sound warning, that if by any chance I leave my husband's house, he'll be forced to disown me.

Can you imagine?.

It's not fair. I have never hurt anyone in my life before.. expect for Nazir. But I don't know why they find pleasure in doing this to me. Being patient is my only way out. The thing is, I believe in Allah and I believe He's going to bring an end to this.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!! The sound of my phone caught my attention. I walked out of the bathroom towards the drawer and picked it up. It's a call from Ummi.

"Good morning Ummi".

"Hey good morning my sweet baby".

" Hope you slept well'.

" Alhamdulillah Ummi".

I forgot to mention that Ummi is the only one on my side. She trusts me a 100% and she knew she had to do something to get me out of this. Ever since, she supports me with cash, and advices. She said I should not trust anyone around and I should avoid the meals, especially Radika's. Something deep inside of me tells me that Radika was forced to do it. The look on her face and her sudden disappearance explains everything. But why will someone want to do this to me?

"Ohk that's nice" . She said and I know now she's smiling. "I just called to make sure you are fine. Take care of yourself baby and remember prayer is the only solution. Be patient". She advised and was about to hang up.

" Thank you very much for everything Ummi I really appreciate". I managed to utter and hanged up.

Tears were already streaming down my cheek. I miss Ummi so much.
My life flashed before my eyes. My childhood, how I used to feel like the luckiest girl in the world, my parent, my perfect boyfriend, Iman, her smiles and lovely laugh. Beebee's advices and comforting hugs. The love, the pain, the joy, I had lost all of it. I'm too young to be going through all these?
Things will never be the same again. It's over....

I smiled a little. "Uh yeah, I'm still alive. Alhamdulillah for life".

I pulled my hair into a bun and walked into the bathroom. I had a cozy bath, it was cold outside. I don't like the harmattan season, though it makes my hair long and my skin light but I don't like the fact that everywhere is going to be hazy.

After my shower, I say subhi prayer and recited the Quran. I need to pick out today's outfit so I walked to the wardrobe one by one, i opened every wardrobe until I found the perfect outfit for today in the second wardrobe. I'm going with the black jumpsuit and umber kimono. I dried my hair,crafted a light makeup on my face and wrapped my head with my cotton umber veil. I wore my black ankle strap heels and yes! My perf.
I picked up my phone,car key, purse and walked out of the room.
Downstairs was Hajiya in the sitting room. She was busy watching a movie on African Magic Hausa.

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