•|CHAPTER 6💜🏝️|•

146 37 9


April 2020

Alhaji was in a total confused state by the call from Hajiya. The life of his wife and baby were in line. He had to be on his way to the hospital as soon as possible.
He drove crazily and in no time, he arrived at the hospital.
He rushed inside, he was just in time. He saw as Zahra was pushed on the stretcher inside the emergency room.

He was very confused, the environment was becoming suffocating to him. He ran towards the emergency room but was stopped from walking in. He ran back to the reception. There he saw hajiya walking hastily behind two nurses.

"Hajiya! what is going on?, Please make me understand what has happened"

" Please maigida, this is not the time for explanations. I'll explain everything to you later". She said and rushed into the pharmacy department.

It's ridiculous how a man feels when his wife is in the labour room or theater.

Alhaji Marafa was going crazy with anticipation, his imagination running out of control. He was on the verge of tears when the door opened. A nurse walked out holding a stainless tray to fetch something for the doctors inside. He ran to her and asked.

"What about my wife?". She walked past him without uttering any word to him. He went back and sat on one of the chairs in the hallway.

Alhaji Marafa had been waiting for two hours now. He was sweating profusely in the air-conditioned room. He needed to talk to someone, someone to share his fears with.

"Who's Alhaji Marafa?" . A voice finally called from inside. It was the doctor.

" I'm here!". Alhaji Marafa answered and stood up.

"I need to see you in my office right now". He announced and walked past him.

Alhaji Marafa stood up and followed the doctor with equal speed.
What could be the reason for the fuss? Is Zahra alright?.

In the doctors office, the doctor ushered Alhaji Marafa a sit in front of him. He was busy staring blindly on a folder.

"Alhaji Marafa". He finally called out.

"Ye_yes_s". Alhaji Marafa stuttered.

" Well, you see in life, things happen. I'm sure you are a very religious man from the way you look. What I'm about to tell, I need you to be strong". He paused for a second and continued. "You see your wife Zahrah, is a very strong woman. She tried her possible best. But I'm sorry Sir, your wife just lost the baby". He finally dropped the bomb shell. "The nurses will show you the way to the ward to pick the baby, I'm sorry for your loss Alhaji Marafa".

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi ra'jiun(from Allah we come and to him we shall return". Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi ra'jiun, innalillahi wa inna ilaihi ra'jiun". Alhaji felt like the room was spinning around him even though he sat in one place.
It was a sad moment for Alhaji Marafa, he couldn't cry Immediately. He just stood up and left the room. He needed to stay strong in other to calm Zahra down when she awakes.
Outside, he met Hajiya, he couldn't break the news to her. Through his reaction, she knew something must have happened to Zahra. She sat on the floor and wept bitterly.

He went to the ward and carried the baby in a carton.
Alhaji held the baby in his hand and wept bitterly. Finally, he dug a hole and buried the baby.

Two hours later, they were allowed to see Zahra. As they walked in, Zahra who was lying like a log of wood began to regain consciousness.
She let out a loud scream and tried to remove the drips from her hand. The nurses ran to adjust the drip. She was still screaming loudly, the nurse injected her.Her breath sputtered out of her mouth and helplessly, she slumped back into the bed.

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