•|CHAPTER 18 🏝️💜|•

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"But Dr Layla can't you do anything, like wake her up right now?". Mum asked maintaining an eye contact.

Dr Layla was busy arranging the first aid kit she came in with.

"Mrs Usman, I have done my best. I have given her injections and in no time she'll be awake, but I can't tell what exactly is wrong with her". Dr Layla replied with a light smile and stood up.

" Okay if you say so Doc".

"But please Ma, they should be no noise in the room. I assure you that she'll be awake in no time". Dr Layla removed her lab coat and folded it neatly. She stood up and that tells mum that she's ready to leave.

After a while,mum spoke with a delicate voice.

"Thank you so much Dr Layla, May Allah reward you".

" You are welcome". She smiled softly. "Endeavor to take her to the hospital when she awakes".

" I'll do just that my dear". Mum smiled weakly and they both walked out of the room.

"Oh that reminds me, Dr Layla give me a sec". Mum excused and walked away.

She went straight to Farha's room because after seeing Dr Layla off, she has to assist Munifa in preparing lunch. She wanted Farha to keep Zahrah company.

"Farha sweeery, I want you to go keep Aunty Zahrah company". Mum announced as she entered Farha's room.

There was silence...

"Farha I'm talking to you". Mum yelled but there was still no response.

Mum walked angrily to the dressing mirror where Farha was sitting. She was busy apply makeup.

"Farha!" Mum patted her shoulder and it looks like she scared her.

"Oh mum! " She blurted.

"Did you not hear me calling your name?".

"Mum I did not, I'm wearing an airPod". She closed her eyes, trying not to get pissed.

"Well that's by the way, go keep Aunty Zahrah company I'm going to the kitchen to help with lunch".

" But mum, I was thinking, if you could...".

"Farha! Do as I say". Mum stopped her.

All color drained from Farha's face. She flung her phone on the bed grumbling, and angrily walked out of the room slamming the door behind her.


The Gwarzo's residence.

Hanan walked into Ummi's room holding a tray containing sliced bread, jam,mug and a little tea kettle. She brought breakfast for Ummi. She found her curled up under her duvet sobbing. She dropped the tray on the drawer and walked to ummi.

She hugged her as tight as she can without causing any pain. " Ummi I thought we talked about this". She held her arms in hers. Laying Ummi's head on her shoulder as Ummi's warm salty tears soaked her shoulder but she didn't care. " Ummi please stop crying already, you are the only one we have left, you are hurting yourself. Please don't leave us to suffer in this wicked world, stay strong for us". Hanan said with her voice barely above a whisper, letting go of ummi, she used her hand to wipe off the tears on Ummi's cheek.

Ummi raised her heavy eyes from the floor,she had dark circles under her eyes due to her frequent crying. Once again, she pulled Hanan into a hug, tears flowed freely down her cheek.

" Myyy-yyy Zah-rah,my daughter". She sobbed, her voice had become hoarse but she still spoke. A long strand of her fell across her face and Hanan tucked it behind her ear.

"Ummi please,". Hanan managed to say as tears were already welling in the corners of her eyes. Ummi has been like this for a week now. She's been starving herself, and crying all night and day. She didn't care about what her non-stop crying could do to her health. Hanan had to leave England for  Nigeria just to keep her mum company.

"Ummi I beg you, it's okay". Instead ummi sobbed loudly and it made tears to flow at lightning speed down Hanan's cheeks. She wished there was something magical she could say to comfort Ummi and ease her pain.

After a while,ummi lifted up her head and forced a smile across her face.

"It's okay Hanan, stop crying already. Pray for your sister". Ummi is now wiping the tears off Hanan's cheeks.

"I miss Ukhti". Hanan cried loudly. "Ummi promise me you will never leave us". Hanan sobbed and tears flowed down her cheek.

Ummi only patted her back and sniffed.

"Now let's have breakfast okay". Ummi got up and plodded into the bathroom to wash her face.


Somewhere in Kaduna.

Farha walked angrily into Zahrah's room. She sat heavily on the sofa. She was busy hissing and cursing inwardly. Suddenly, a certain movement startled her. She stood bolt upright to check what was going on. To her greatest surprise, Zahrah was staring blankly at her.

"Mum! Dad! Mummy!". She screamed immediately their gazes clashed. As if on cue,she ran out of the room.


        ♥️ Quote of the day♥️

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".

                       Winston Churchill  

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