•|CHAPTER 5 💜🍀|•

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Somewhere in Kaduna
December 2019

A month after I and my husband returned from United States, I fell ill.
It was a gloomy friday morning, I woke up complaining of fever, headache and cold.
I was so weak that the maids had to serve me my breakfast in bed. This Feeling was different, I have never felt this terrible in my life before.
The aroma of the food made me rush to the bathroom to vomit everything in my belly. Alhaji had traveled to Lagos for a meeting two days ago.

I managed to walk to hajiya's room holding my Tommy.

"Meye haka!(what happened)". She said flabbergasted immediately I walked into her room.

"Hajiya I think I'm having a fever".

'No_no!!, This isn't something to "think" about. You are running temperature too". She placed her hands on my neck and quickly removed it. " Go and get your hijabi, we are going to the hospital".

I went to my room and picked up my hijab. It was a few minutes drive, we arrived at the hospital.

At the hospital, I was admitted. The doctor needed time to carry out tests on me. I was injected and in no time, I fell asleep.

I woke up to the continuous beeping of my phone and the scent of the combination of different drugs. It gave me a massive headache, It was intoxicating.
Slowly, I opened my eyes . It took me a while to regain my strength, I stood up and sat on the bed.
Hajiya who sat on a chair beside me was still fast asleep.

I picked up my phone, there was a new message from Radika

"What will you like to have for dinner ma'am?".

"I'll like to have grilled chicken breast,french fries and ketchup". I replied her and kept the phone on the bed.

An hour later, the test results came out, by then I had regained little strength from the drip.

The door was opened and a man appeared, I assumed he was a doctor because of the white lab coat he was wearing and the stethoscope around his neck.

"How are you doing Mrs Marafa?". He asked.

" Good, I feel a lot better".

"Ohk that's a relief". He replied smiling at me.

" Likita(doctor), why are you smiling?". Hajiya asked him curiously.

"Well... Congratulations, Mrs Marafa is six weeks pregnant!". He announced.

"Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!!". Hajiya gave out a shout of joy. " Indeed this is good news". She added as she danced around.

I couldn't believe what my ears just heard. I'm what!. A baby was the last thing I thought could come so soon. Immediately, the thought of Nazir ran through my mind. Since then, I haven't received any emails or texts messages from him. Now I feel like this was going to far. Nazir please forgive me. I have to obey my parents. I cried silently to myself.

Hajiya walked the doctor to the door. Few minutes later, I was discharged and placed on a special diet. The doctor advised me to eat meat, fruits, veggies, milk and drink lots of water.

At the car park, A black SUV was waiting for us.

"You don't look so happy Zahra, whats bothering you?". Hajiya asked as I sat inside the car.

"I'm fine". I replied her with forced excitement. I think she noticed. I rolled my eyes and placed my bag on my lap.

As we drove home, I looked through the window. I wasn't interested in what was going on around me. Few minutes later, we arrived home.
As we pulled up in the parking lot, there was Radika, she must have heard the news because she came walking towards the car Immediately after it was parked. She helped me carry my bag into the house with me and Hajiya following closely behind.

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