•|CHAPTER 19💜🌴|•

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Mum walked briskly into the room with Daddy following closely behind her. She couldn't wait to see her dear Zahra. She sat heavily beside her on the bed where she was lying down shaking and cold with beads of sweat on her forehead. Mum gathered her in her arms and wiped off the beads of sweat from her forehead.

"Zahra! Zahra!!" . Mum called out shaking her slender figure but there was no response, Zahra only laid there staring at mum eyes half open. She was weak, her skin was pale and her hair was messy.
Mum continued to shake her but there was still no response. She bent close and felt her slight breath against her face.

Mum lifted up her head with dazed expression on her face to look at her husband. At this moment she knew something terrible has happened to Zahra, tears begin to well in the corners of her eyes. Immediately dad sat down beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

Daddy suck in a breathe before speaking.

"Zahra,can you hear me?".

There was pin drop silence.

She nodded slightly after almost five minutes of silence.

"Zahra please say something". Mum pleaded as tears streamed down her cheeks at lightening speed."Zahra please speak to ummi,tell me what's bothering you". Mum spoke with a cracky voice. Mum held her hands lightly but she gently took it back.

Daddy sighed, he knew things were already getting out of hand. He turned to his wife and spoke.

"Ayeesha that's enough, get her something to eat, we have to take her to the hospital right now".

"Bbbu-t hon-ney."

"No buts Ayeesha," Dad interrupted. "Can't you see that she's in a critical condition? For God sake she's been like this for days. If we keep procrastinating,who knows what will happen next". Dad said in a delicate voice and it looks like ummi agreed.

Mum only smiled at Dad. She stood up quietly and walked out of the room.

Moments later, mum walked into the room with Munifa who was holding a tray containing a glass of water,a bunch of banana,sliced apples, oranges, watermelon and dates. She ordered Munifa to drop the tray on the bed. She did as instructed, mum ordered her to leave the room. She curtseyed a little and walked quietly out of the room.

"Oh Zahra". Mum thought.

"Thank God you are here Ayeesha". Dad said immediately he sighted them."Help zahra to freshen up, I'll be downstairs waiting for you two". He stood up quietly and left the ladies in the room.

Mum walked to Zahra, she helped her to sit up and gently she started to touch her cheeks.

"how are you my daughter" Mum whispered and Zahra only smiled.

"You haven't uttered any word to me my daughter, please make me feel better by calling my name". Mum stared at her, tears started streaming down her cheeks once again. Zahra picked up a tissue from the tissue box and started to wipe off her tears gently, this made mum to cry even more.

After the meal, mum helped Zahra to have a refreshing bath. She changed into one of mum's Cream Abaya since she had no clothes. Mum also helped her to dress her hair, she wrapped her head with a simple black veil. Once again, Zahra is looking beautiful!. Mum gave her a dazzling smile and held out her hand, leading her downstairs.
Zahra has not uttered any word since she regained consciousness, all she did was smile weakly. Mum was uncomfortable with her behavior, she knew there was something about the way she's acting lately she couldn't wait for them to go to the hospital for a check up.

At the hospital Zahra was taken into the examining room. There,the doctor spent a long time with her.
After two and half hours,the doctor a middle-aged man wearing a white lab coat called Mr and Mrs Usman into his office. He offered them a sit opposite his. After searching the files in front of him for a while,he finally cleared his throat and spoke.

"Miss Zahra, can you please excuse us for a sec".

"Zahra honey, wait for us in the car we'll join you shortly". Mum smiled, Zahra nodded in approval and left.

"Mr and Mrs Usman". The doctor called.

"Doctor". They both said in unison.

The doctor cleared his throat once again and began to speak after much silence. "What happened to your daughter?".

"What Happened to our daughter?". Mum thought.

There was silence for a moment.

Mum turned her head to look at Dad, which was already a signal that she wasn't ready to answer the doctors question.

"Actually, she's not our daughter, She's my wife's niece. Her mother brought her in few days back unconscious, we have no idea of what happened to her". Dad answered.

"Ohk then if you say so". The doctor adjusted his spectacles. "Since you claim not to know what happened to her, I'm afraid I'll have to break the news to you. Your niece Zahra is diagnosed with Amnesia". The doctor announced.

"Amnesia!". Mum gasped "What does that even mean". Mum's throat went dry as she struggled to understand what she just heard.

"Let him finish woman, doctor isn't that related to memory loss?". Dad asked a bit confused and the doctor nodded.

"Yes it is. You see Amnesia is a dramatic form of memory loss, such as facts, information and experience. But the good thing is her case is the Retrograde Amnesia,which is the type of Amnesia where past memories only are forgotten.

"Wait doctor let me get this straight, you mean my Zahra has Amnesia, like she doesn't know who I am nor anything from the past?". Mum's voice was bitter.

"Exactly Mrs Usman, that's what I'm trying to say but she will still regain her motor skills such as walking, running, sitting and so on". The doctor's words really touched them.

"Inalillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji'un!(from Allah we come and to Him we shall return)". Daddy buried his face in his palm.

"Doctor can you do something,I mean what can we do. Is there any treatment?". Mum's voice was already cracky as tears filled her eyes.

"Actually Mrs Usman, I don't think there's anything I can do. What I'll advise you is, you should let her be for now. But if you insist, you can get her a caregiver".

"Poor thing!". Mum thought

"Doctor, I don't understand. She hasn't said anything since she woke up. Can she still talk?". Dad asked.

"Of course she can talk, I guess she's just trying to adapt to her environment. You need to give her attention, and try as much as possible not to force her to remember anything". The doctor advised.

"Thank you so much Doctor". Dad said.

"You are welcome Sir, I'm afraid I have another patient to attend to right now, I hope your niece gets better soon". He stretched to his full height, flashed his brightest smile and extended his hand for a hand shake with Dad.

At the parking lot, Zahra sat quietly in the car. It was minutes past 6 and the sun was already down. Mum smiled at her and she returned the smile weakly. They drove home without uttering any word to each other.

❤️ Quote of the day❤️
"Soft words soften the hearts that are harder than rock, Harsh words harden hearts that are softer than silk".

Assalamualaikum Guys 😔😔❤️
It's been a while, I wanna dedicate this chapter to all the sick and deceased people around the world❤️. The sick, may Almighty Allah Grant them Shifa. Ameen ya Rabbi.❤️🤲
And for the deceased, May Allah send them along the path of those who are guided. Oh Allah, enlarge their graves and shed light upon them in it.

Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen ❤️🤲

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