•|CHAPTER 3💜🏝️|•

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Alhaji Marafa's Residence,
Somewhere Kaduna.
September 2019


Alhaji Marafa is one of the Special Advisers to the governor of Kaduna state.
He also imports vehicles, and lots of more from outside the country.
Alhaji Marafa is a tall and well built man. He's a mild, fair,good-natured and easy going man.
Money is never his problem at all. Hajiya Luba is his first wife. They have been married for good 20 years without a child. She's lucky Alhaji's mother is late, we all know how mother in-laws expect grandchildren Immediately after marriage.
Despite the fact that his wife is barren, he showed her love,care and showered her with gifts all the time.

Hajiya Luba is not a good looking woman. She's short dark woman with slightly bowed leg. She's fat with plump neck, arms and chest. People have a general Impression that she must have bewitched Alhaji to get him married to her.

She's wearing a navy blue shaddah with her head tie in tura ka ga tsiya style.

Alhaji Marafa had just told his wife about his wedding. He was expecting the worst from her as usual.But to his greatest surprise, she's okay with it.

"Alhaji, na yarda. I knew it will come to this". After a brief pause, she continued." I know how desperate you need to have child. Kuma in Allah ya yarda, Zahra will give you what you have been looking for".

" I've heard all what you said Hajiya. May Allah reward you abundantly. Please I want you to take Zahra as your own daughter. Please hajiya".

" That's not going to be a problem at all, in Sha Allahu". Hajiya added.

" Uwar gida ran gida!"Alhaji praised her and she blushed.

" I also want you and hajiya Baraka to travel to Dubai and get the brides gifts".

" Ok no problem. I'll give her a call". Hajiya nodded with a smile.

Alhaji heaves a sigh of relief and retired back to the sofa.


Zahrah's house🏠

I have been sitting on the floor for only God knows how long. I'm surrounded with crumpled up tissues, the worst part is that I didn't care how my non stop crying was to my health.
Since that night, I have been ignoring Nazir's calls, emails and texts messages. I couldn't summon the courage to face him.
I will be enslaving myself for the rest of my life with a man who's old enough to be my grandpa, worst of all I don't love him and I'm very sure it's vise versa. He just wants someone who will give him what he wants "children".

As I looked around the room, I stood up and walked to the window. The thought of having just seven days left ran through my mind. I couldn't stop myself from shedding more tears.

Earlier that afternoon, Nabeelah visited. Nabeela has been my closest friend right from day one. She's thin and slender, small-eyed with oval shaped face.
I value her above all my other friends. She's someone I trust and someone I confide in.

That afternoon, she sat quietly on my bed. She has been watching me cry for some time without uttering any word of comfort. Finally,she stood up to sit beside me. She held my hands lightly and called out.
'Zahra!' "I want to tell you something". She paused and continued. " I've been watching you for quite a while now. You see I'm your best friend and I'm sure you know that I'll never let any harm come to you". She moves closer to me. " Abhi is a man of his word and you of all people should know that. Instead of wasting your precious time crying, why not pray. Prayer is the only solution right now. This is not Abhi's decision but your destiny Zahra".

"But what if it's not my destiny?". I said frustrated.

"Then it shall not happen". She snapped. "Destiny can never be denied from being fulfilled my dear. I want you to put your trust in Allah. Trust me, no harm shall come to you. You have to be patient". She placed her comforting hand on my shoulder.

I sighed in defeat and enfolded her in a bear hug while i cried into her shoulder. It was around midnight I decided to give up crying and slept off.

Two days later...

I sat on the couch beside the window watching as the sun shone softly on the city streets, I stretched out my hand and reached out for the glass of smoothie the maid had brought earlier and sipped a little. I have accepted my faith and put my trust in Allah. If getting married to Alhaji is the best for me then so be it.

Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door, the door swung opened and there stood the maid.

"What's your problem?".

"I'm so sorry, Ummi wants you downstairs right away".

" Urghh! Tell her I'll be there in a jiffy".

She nods approvingly and left. I walked towards the wardrobe and picked out a decent pair of jeans,a full sleeved sweater a khimar and changed into them. I do not want to go downstairs with the top and shorts I was wearing.
I walked quietly down the stairs. In the sitting room were three women sitting alongside with Ummi. Non of them looked familiar to me.

"Assalamualaikum(peace be unto you)". I greeted them and sat on the couch next to the air conditioner.

"Waalaikum salaam(peace be unto you too)". They chorused. I sat down quietly on the couch and stared at them.

"Zahra, this is Hajiya Luba your co wife to be,beside her is Hajiya Baraka your husband's younger sister and that is Hajiya Zainab, your husband's step sister". Ummi introduced. " Now, I want you to greet them properly".

For some seconds,I didn't respond

"Sanunku da zuwa(you are welcome)". I said reluctantly and faked a smile. So this is Hajiya Luba, how I'm i gonna be dealing with this old witch.I thought to myself.

"Yawwa.... Alhaji Marafa has sent us here, to bring these gifts to you". Hajiya Baraka said and ushered someone in.

Three uniformed men walked in pulling something that looked like a 7set of Louis Vuitton boxes.

"Umm... I'm sorry are these for me?". I asked flabbergasted.

" Yes! Alhaji sent these to you. Open them". Hajiya Luba ordered the men.

My eyes widen at what was in front of me . The first box which is the biggest was filled with atamfas,laces of different kinds, shaddahs and others I couldn't recognize what they are. The second one was filled with abayas, veils, jilbabs and hijabs. The third one was filled with designer bags,OMG that's a Michael Kors handbag. I've wanted one but since it's from these annoying people, the sight of it irks me.
The fourth one was opened, it contained all the shoes of the handbags from the third box. The fifth one contained lingeries. How they got the sizes right is what makes me surprised. The sixth one is a makeup kit. Well I don't apply makeup. The last one contained jewelries, not just jewelries, gold and silver jewelries.

Is this a kind of bribery or what?. I don't want to believe Alhaji thinks I'm this cheap.

"You like it?". Hajiya Luba asked smiling.

"Yeah, I love it. Thank you". I stood up abruptly "Excuse me". I said and walked out of the room.


❤️ Quote of the day ❤️
"Better days are coming..."


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