•|CHAPTER 17💜🏝️|•

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"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run
Then walk,if you can't walk then
Crawl,but whatever you do, you
Have to keep moving forward.
Only in darkness you can
See the stars"

Dr Martin Luther King

Somewhere in Kaduna, Nigeria.

The just risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early morning activities. Light shone in Ummi's cozy room, the walls are all white, in the middle of the room, there's a queen-size bed covered with white sheets, white pillow casing,duvet with a big blanket folded on the end. Beside the bed is a white dressing mirror,On the marble floor there's a white plush carpet approximately in the middle of the floor. There's also a white sofa with a black glass coffee table,they are very suitable with each other. On the left is a white door which leads to her walk-in closet. Then to the far left is a flat screen TV almost half the size of the wall, which oftens play Zee TV.

Ummi (fareeda's mum) sat on a chair beside Zahrah who is lying unconsciously on the bed. Farha sat in the opposite end of the mattress massaging Zahrah's legs mildly with an ointment.
An incense is burning and it's smell blends with the fresh flowers in the vase next to the bed.
Colonel Usman Jumare, a full bearded dark skinned Fulani man sat on the white sofa in the middle of the room. He is Ummi's husband and he had just returned from Maiduguri his Unit to find Zahrah in the house. He didn't know the relationship that exists between Zahrah and his family, he had no choice but to accept her.

"Ayeesha, don't you think we should take this lady to the hospital? I mean it's been 4 days now and there's no improvement". Colonel Jumare adjusted the spectacles on his small face.

Ummi heaved a light sigh, she stood up and walked to the window. The window is framed with velvet drapes, the lace inner curtains remained drawn, allowing daylight to enter while rendering the heart-stopping view over the streets a blur. Ummi adjusted the curtains and then walked back to her chair

"My dear husband...". She paused and continued. " I'm very confused, I don't know what we should do. I mean we can't take her to the hospital not knowing the reason she ran from her home, what if she's trying to run from someone or something".

" That's true... True, but why don't we invite a doctor. Dr. Layla(the family doctor), will be the best person for this job. We can't just keep her here blindly, Astagfirullah, what if something happens".

" I'll do as you say honey, I'll give Dr. Layla a call".

"Mum, I think there's a phone in Aunty Zahrah's pocket, why don't we use it to call her relatives". Farha suggests as she pulled out a phone from Zahrah's pocket.

" That's a good idea Farha, handover the phone". Ummi stretched out her hands to collect the phone from Farha.
" But this isn't Zahrah's phone, her phone is an Iphone X".

" Yes mum this is not Aunty Zahrah's phone". Farha nodded.

"I think it's best you keep it safe for her, maybe it's important to her since it's the only thing on her". Colonel Jumare said and walked briskly out of the room.

"Farha dear, I'll go give Doctor Layla a call. Meanwhile I want you to stay with Aunty Zahrah okay, and come downstairs for breakfast in 20 minutes".

" Ohk mum". Farha answered after few seconds as she was busy with her phone.

Downstairs in the dinning room is Faruk and Dad waiting for breakfast to be served. Farha walked into the room and sat on one of the empty chairs busy with her phone.

"Why is breakfast not served yet?". Dad asked.

"Ask Munifa(the housemaid)". Farha blurted, scrolling.

" And Farha! Why are you not in the kitchen assisting Munifa?". Dad asked flabbergasted.

" Sorry Dad, the kitchen is not my thing. Besides there's Munifa". Farha shrugged and continued to scroll.

Faruk's jaw dropped.

" What!" Daddy's head shot up. "Farha are you out of your senses? My friend will you drop that phone and dash into the kitchen". Daddy roared.

Farha whined and scrunched up her face, she reluctantly stood up and kept her phone on the table. That was when daddy realized Farha was half naked. She's wearing a yellow sports bra and black bum shorts.

"What are you wearing!". Daddy exclaimed and Farha frowned her face. " I said what the hell are you wearing young lady!".

"Dad I'm feeling hot so I decided to take off my clothes". Farha answered and turned her head.

" Farha Usman Jumare, before I open my eyes I want to see you properly dressed".

Farha sprinted up the stairs knowing what her father is capable of doing.

"Just take a look at what your mother is turning this girl into". Dad faced Faruk.

" Daddy don't worry about her, I'm sure mum will handle it".

"Handle what?". Mum's voice interrupted and she walked into the dinning room.

"Thank goodness you are here Ayeesha".

" Yes I'm here, so what's the matter?".

" It's Farha, Farha is the matter. I mean what sort of upbringing is this? Don't forget you are an Arabian woman".

" I don't think there's anything wrong with our Farha's upbringing honey, she's just a teenager trying to feel among". Mum defended.

Dad was surprised at her response, I mean she raised their first son Faruk into a gentleman, but why is everything going wrong with Farha?. Dad thought

Just then, Farha walked into the room with a transparent petty coat.

"You see! Ayeesha you see! Just take a good look at your daughter". Dad pointed out at what Farha is wearing extremely stunned.

Farha was frustrated.

" Honey just let her be okay,let's enjoy our breakfast. Dr Layla will be here soon to check up on Zahrah".

Dad heaved a heavy sigh and buried his face In his hands.

"Now go to the kitchen and help Munifa with breakfast". Dad yelled at Farha.

Farha hissed inwardly with a frown and walked to the kitchen.

♥️ Quote of the day ♥️

"Let no man pull you so slow as to hate him".

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Lol♥️❣️✨:💜 Hussaina Aboki Yakubu👑💎

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