•|CHAPTER 11💜🏝️|•

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I wanted desperately to wake up from the dream i was in but it gradually occurred to me that I wasn't dreaming. Hajiya has succeeded in bewitching Alhaji. Innalillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji'un.
I Collapsed onto my bed, I shut my puffy eyelids for a moment holding back an excruciating headache.
I began to gasp for air because the room seemed to have become airtight I started choking, I stretched out my arms to reach out to the air conditioner remote and turned it on.

What have I done to deserve such cruelty from Hajiya? Why is she doing this to me? Why?. Drowned in my thoughts, I broke into tears once again I was crying to the extent that I felt my eyes would pop out of it's socket. I knew I had to do something but what?. I'm so helpless. How I'm I going to deal with this?. Suddenly, my head begins to spin. I was pulled out of my deep thought by a noise that was coming from the staircase. From the stamping foot, I could tell it's Hajiya and I quickly got up to sit down. I tried to wipe off the tears from my face and suddenly, she barges in and I was frightened.

"What do you want from me you wicked witch!". I yelled furiously at her and stood up.

She laughed hysterically before she responded. " Oh you still have the guts to yell at me right?". She questioned in her annoying voice.

" What is it you want from me! What have I done to you! Why do you find pleasure in causing me misery?". I stood straight in confidence and courage.

" Oh! oh!! oh!!!, You think I want anything from you?, My dear you have nothing to offer". She said and narrowed her dark eyes.

" Then-why are y-oooo-uu doing this to me!". I demanded in a cracky voice.

" Oh that..., That's because you are in my way and I needed to get you out of the way".

" How could you be so evil, so devious, so heartless, so inhumane, so selfish, so wicked. Hajiya you will not get away with this! And I promise you....". I was trying to speak when a hot slap stung my cheek and I gasped.

" Hajiya!" I retorted as I covered the left side of my face with my palm. The tears I've been trying to hold back threatened to fall but I held them back. How dare she!

She looked at me coldly from top to toe curling her lips saying. "If you mess with me, I'll be forced to do worse than slap you, no one talks back at hajiya and go Scottfree. Zahrau,You have drawn the battle line and I promise you, this is just the beginning".

I tightened my arms into a fist as I tried to hold back my emotions carefully without making a sound. I felt the wet hot tears fill up my eyes.

"Stay out of my way!" She said clenching her teeth and balling her fist as she abruptly walked out of the room.

No! This must be a dream, just a horrible nightmare everything will be back to normal! I continue to lie to myself until it dawned on me that it's REALITY.
Reality was staring at me right in the face so harshly that I could almost hear it's wicked laughter. The life I envisioned was truly not as easy as I thought it would be.

Innalillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji'un Ya Allah come to the aid of your servant. I said falling to my knees trembling. Complete hopelessness converted into tears that rained down my face at lightning speed. My bottom lip quivered and my shoulder dropped in resignation. I didn't care about the cold floor I was sitting on, I didn't care about what it could do to my health. I cried till my teargland was empty. The air seemed suffocating and inhaling it caused me nausea.

I can't continue to live like this! Crying won't solve my problems. The did has already been done and there's nothing I can do about it. This could be the reason I had that nightmare. Indeed hajiya has struck my heart! And it's bleeding non-stop.

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