Ch-4. There is night school?

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"Mummy! Mummy! Look what I found!" A small boy, probably of 3-4 yrs. Ran up to a women, with long dark hair and beautiful blue eyes, was sipping tea with another women with raven hair and green eyes.

"Mummy! Look!" The boy stepped close to his mother, his mother look at the boy and smiled a bit, "what is it my sunshine?" The women asks as she pets the boys head.

The boy giggled and opened the little box is his hands, and soon, many butterflies started flying. They looked so beautiful all together. Then the boy gave his mother a white rose as he now looked at her with a big smile.

"Do you like it?" The boy asked.

The mother didn't knew what to say, the little boy did such a childish, yet innocent thing. The women smiled more and patted his head. "Yes, I like it very much. But.. Why? Is there something mummy forgetting?" The women spoke.

"Um.. Not really, I just.." The boy hesitates a bit and then points at the few boys behind him "they said it would make you happy. And I want mumma to be happy! So.. "

The women looks up, those children belonged to the women with the raven hair. The raven haired women looked the boys as well. "I would be dead before I get that done to me" He mutters.

The mother now looks up at her with a wired face that boy can't understand. "Hay, it was very lovely. You can go play some more now" The mother instructs as the boy leaves to play once again.

"You are a heartless women"
"Ho I know darling, I can't care more"


Anim was casually having wired dreams, hugging his pillow and a drool slightly going down his face. "I wonder what they are dreaming about~" Said Laito. "i hope it's something scary" Kanato mutters as he tightness his hug on his teddy.

Laito plays with Anim's hair gently, "hay, it's pretty soft~" He speaks. Reiji enters the room with a unform. He was expecting to the ADHD child awake by now, but nope, the gremlin is still asleep and the two brothers out of three are joking around. When will he ever catch a brake.

"I thought I asked you two wake that gremlin up." Reiji spoke up. Laito looks back at Reiji, "but look, he is sleeping so cutely~" 

Reiji sighs as pushes his glasses up. "Wake him up this instant."

"Let ora-sama do it!" Ayato comes in the room with all his pried and ego. He gets on the bed and shakes Anim's shoulders very aggressively. "wake up! Ore-sama demands it!"

"Uh- hm... Huh?" Anim opens his eyes a little as looks at the boy. "You..." He mumbles. Ayato smirks "yes! It's me, your savious ore-sama!"
".... Oreo sama... Ha.. Funny.." And Anim cuts back to sleep again.

This earned a generous amount of chuckle from kanato and laito
"Why you little-" Ayato mutters, "that's it, I am taking your blood as a punishment for disrespecting me!" Ayato brings his face close to Anim's neck, ge grassed his sharp fangs on his neck. That was just enough for Anim to feel sensitive and kick the tomato in the stomach to get away.

"Ha.. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING YOU PERVERT!" Anim screams with a flushed face as he covers his neck. "Ow.. Gezz... You were the one who was picking up a fight maget!"

Ayato tch's and promised himself that he will get back at that maget. Laito took Anim's hand and kissed his wrist, right where his nerves were visible. "Good morning sweetness~" He said, Anim adjusted his eyes a bit. "Ho.. Hay Fedora."
"Is that my nickname now~?"
"Not really, but would work for now. What time is it?" Anim yawns as he rubs his eyes with his free hand.

"It's 9:00pm" Kanato says, "it's time for school doll"

"School? At this time?"

"We have night school" Reiji answers.

"Wait, there are more bastards like you there or-?" Anim mumbles, which gets him a very soul ripping glare from Reiji. "Just kidding! Just kidding.. "

"Well, it's better for you to change now. Ms. Komari is waiting for you downstairs along with others, better not make us late." He says as he leaves the room with the cloths.

"See you down stares~ sweetheart~" Laito kisses his wrist once again as he teleports away. "Let's have some snacks later" Kanato says he also teleports away. Ayato just looks down on Anim as he teleports away as well.

Now He was left all alone in this, fansy ass, big ass, beautiful ass room. He can only dream of affording such luxury.

But stepping aside to that, Anim got changed into the uniform that he was given. It was... Quite nice!

Anim never expected some sort of style out of these vamps. Now, well, He didn't expect vampires so exist thin the first place so He really can't be the first place.

(Anim's povpov)

Honestly, danmmmmm. I really don't want to put the coat but guess I have to. I Fixed my hair a little bit and walked down stares.

I looked down from the railings and I saw the triplets troubling Yui, the other three just laying off in the corner. Honestly, all of them are so beautiful and handsome and pretty, I might have a gay panic attack. But I won't, cause these guys sicko and would probably not hesitate to kill me.

Suburu got the sight of me, "the gremlin his here, let's get doing." He said. Can't anyone of them take my name? I don't think I have a difficult name Or a hard to remember one?

They all hate me Or something??

I walked down stares as I walked besides Yui. "I am glad you are alright" she says at she smiles at me, "I am glad too!" I then shift my attention to her neck.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, she looked at me as she sighed a little, "well... I found something about my father, a diary to be exact..." Yui hmms as she looks down.

"I... I found something like that too. I found many pictures of 'me' with two other people. I even found a dairy and notes about it" I tell in low voice so the other brothers can't hear us.

"You? You too?... I wonder what are connection is to this place. It's all just.. Strange" Yui looks up at the dark sky above us, everything happening here must be taking a number on her right now. I don't think she has every been abounded before... Nor i will let that happen.

I hm a little and then wrap an arm around her shoulder, "well bestie, I'll make sure atleast you get out of this hell scape! I mean, I did say that I would take you along my grave with me but I think we can make someeee adjustments"

There was a little silence between us.
"Ho come on, I am trying to be positive here!"
There is another string of silence, untill Yui starts laughing a bit. "Ho Anim. Don't worry, we BOTH will get out of this together. Just like how we always have." She smiles as she walks forward.

"Yeah! That's the spirit!"

And then we walked outside and saw what our travelling vehicle will be and.


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