Ch-10 what the fuck

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Warning: the following sequence contains section of harm and blood.

Though, it's in the section, I will still warn up for it.
And please do tell if the fonts used are actual readable! If not then I would edit them out for everyone to understand the story.

Anyhow, thank you for reading.

'Hmm? Wh-'

Our little protagonist wakes up on a Grassfeild. "Um.. What the-" The utter shock and confusion was being washed down his whole face. "did they kick me out because I didn't give them my blood??" He asked himself as got up and looked around a little.

He started to walk and walk and walk... Eventually a field of flowers were presented in front of him. He watched the field in awe as walked between it. "Well this is quite a peaceful place.. Am I in a dream?.. " He mumbled to himself.

"Look!! Look I made these for both of you!" Anim turned his head around sharply as he saw... Him? No like, the child him. "What th-.. " He started to follow the boy as he finally encountered people he saw in that picture.

The little boy put the flower crows on people's head as he giggled. The two adults were sitting down on the flowers as they both looked at each other and smiled.

"..... Is that... " He approached the two adults as he sat in front of them. "Are these... My par-" Anim was about to complete his sentence but their eyes turned blood shot. Blood started to pour down their eyes as they titled there head towards Anim with an amunus smile spread wide across both of there checks.

"ɐuıɯ dןǝɐsǝ sʇɐʎ sɐɟǝ... "

"A-AHHH-!!?" Anim leaned back as he tried to run away but spiders suddenly started to crowl of the flower beds and climb Him. "AHHH! No!!! P-please! M-make it stop!!! SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP!!!" He started to Claw his own skin out, trying to get rid of the spiders as he cried on and on.

The blood dripped down the cuts he made on himself as he tried ho so desperately to escaped. He suddenly felt a hand touch his shoulder as a women's voice whsipers in his ears. "ɎɥØǝɄ ₭ʞłıⱠןⱠןɆǝĐp Ʉn₴s"


"Ha... Ke...... Hay.. Wake up... Anim.. "


"Anim!... "


Eyes wide open now, Anim sits up as he breaths heavily. His had tears in his eyes as his whole body was shaking and was almost near a breaking point.

It was Nightmare....?

".... You okay?.. " Anim turned his head back and say Shu laying there. Still with his resting face but his eyes showed slight concern. " I-.. I-" His voiced hiked as he covered his mouth as faces front again. Tears kept forming and his body kept of trembling. He was wanted this feeling to stop but it didn't.

Shu seeing this state of the boy sat up, didn't exactly knowing what to do so just patted his back in a soothing way. Anim did started to calm down a bit but still remained a bit shaken and teary.

A sigh could be heard from Shu as he held Anim's hand and teleported him to the kitchen with him.

"Just get some water and rest..." Shu then teleported away without a second word. Leaving Anim alone in the massive kitchen. Anim lowered his head as he nodded, not particularly to anyone. He went ahead and grabbed himself some water.

Each sip that went down made him want to throw up more. 'What the heck did I just dream about?' He questioned. Yes it was the people in the pictures but why... Like this? In the end they even said something he couldn't make out because he was just panicking more over the spiders trying to dig into his skin.

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