Ch-13. happiness doesn't last very long

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A/n: don't asked me why I update so often.
Cause I don't know lol.

And we have hit a 1k readers, Let's gooooooooo ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

"......... "

Being stared at is not fun. Anim turned his head to look at Subaru, who was looking at Anim too. You could literally play that one meme that goes 'when he looks at me, and I look at him. And he looks at me! And I look at hi-hi-hiammmm~!"

"Um.. Subaru?" Anim spoke up, "could you.. Perhaps help me get that book up there?" Anim pointed. The shell was pretty high for him to reach but Subaru could Easily reach out to it.

".. No."

Well that sucks. Anim sighed as he started to drag a old chair, he stood up on it and reached out for the book. Taking it and opening it. He dusted off the dust as he read through it a bit.

Subaru was constantly keeping an eye on the boy but flinched when he heard a small creak. He looked at the chair's wood beginning to break, widening his eyes, he warned Anim. "Hay, get off that chair!"

Anim turned his head around to see why Subaru was getting angry all of sudden, his one more step was the final breaking point for old chiar. The chair let out his goodbye's to the people they loved and finally broke.

"Ho shi-" And there went Anim falling backwards. 'Ho yep, goodbye world.' He was half glad, half not glad. He was happy we was going to finally die but sad because now he would remembered by the guy who died because the chair broke.

He was ready, but he felt arms wrap around him and him never landing on the floor. He opened his eyes, and looked at Subaru, who was holding him bridal style and looking down at him.


Anim's face was a tomato.
'Don't be gay, don't be gay, don't be gay-' He couldn't blame himself, it was the classic 'falling into your lovers arm'

Except here, they weren't lovers. But God danm we would be lying if said he didn't find the angry boi kinda cute. Anim stared into Subaru, as a small Thank you was muttered out.

Subaru nodded as he let Anim stand on his feet. "Are you alright?" He asked has dusted off some dirty that was on Anim's coat.

"Yeah.. Thank you again" Anim smiled as his blush died down. Subaru tched and nodded, "how do you end up these situations is beyond me... But thankfully you didn't get hurt.. " He mumbled the last part which Anim heard and smiled wider.

"Awwww" He spoke, Subaru tched again as he started walking away, "that's so nice of you Subaru!"

"Shut up!" He huffed and crossed his arms, Anim only giggled. "Okay okay~ now help me next time when I ask~" Anim walk away to pick up the book and old newspapers he had found. He hasn't properly gone through these but he found some clippings which he could maybe work with.

The bell startes to ring, both Subaru and Anim looked at each other and started to walk out of the library. "Hay Subaru? Would you mind coming here tomorrow too?" Anim asked.

Subaru hmmed for minute, "I'll.. I'll see to it."
Anim smiled and nodded, "Alright then, see ya" And he walked off. Subaru sighed and wondered what have he gotten himself into.


'This is wired...
Where the hell is Laito?'

Anim thought as he stared at the empty seat on which Laito used go sit. He wasn't there. Did he skip class? He doesn't usually so why today?

'Well, that's a plus point for me' he thought as he went back to listening to his teacher. He was more then happy that Laito wasn't around.

Another two periods went by and he still wasn't here, he went to check in Yui's classroom, to see if she was alright. He somehow had this wired gut feeling that something was going horribly wrong.

He entred into the class only to find Kanato and Ayato there, while the class was written off as Self study. The students weren't many in the classroom and Yui was definitely not here.

"Um.. Hay Ayato? Kanato? Do you know where Yui might be?" Anim asked as he looked at the two boys. "So she is not with you? Pancake hasn't shown up since lunch" Ayato commented as he shrugged his shoulders.

".. What.." Anim whispered as he was now thrown into a panic state.

"I saw her trying to use the telephone.. Isn't that right teddy? She was trying to run away... Leaving us alone.. " Kanata answered with the same scary and earry tone of his.

"Wh- when?!" I asked him as he looked at me with an confused expression. "In the lunch break. I thought you would know that, since you two are always together and know each other... Besides.. me and teddy thought you might have ran away by now... "

"..... Oh.. My god.. " He mumbled, "Laito hasn't been here since lunch too!" Ayato not finding this ground breaking, spoke up, "so she must be with Laito."

"And that's okay to you??" Anim questioned with the expression of utter shock. Ayato shrugged his shoulders and yawned. "I can play with that pancake late, right now, ora-sama needs his beauty sleep"

Anim could only stare at Ayato with the emotion of anger and horror. He covered his face with his hands as he whined a bit in frustration. He could only pray that things are alright, that Yui was not with Laito.

"I love seeing people in agony.. Isn't that right Teddy?"

'Give me a chance and I'll yeet this teddy to your grave.'

The hours that followed after passed by so slowly that it felt like a drag, he couldn't be focused in the class. He didn't knew what was going on his surroundings. He only wished for the day to be over.

The car ride home also felt like a drag, he had kept his panic expression as he didn't utter a single word. The two people were still missing and he felt useless.

He exited the car in hurry as he dropped his bag on the living room couch and started to look for Yui. And he found her in her room, her eyes seemed numb as she was motionless sitting on the bed.

"... Yui...?" Anim breathed out, Yui turned her head around as she looked at Anim. She smiled to see him but her eyes told otherwise. They were sad, and swollen.

She had been crying for hours and hours on end. Anim quickly ran to her and hugged her. She leaned into the hug as she began crying and sobbing.

The thing that Anim feared the most had happened right before his eyes and was able to do nothing but stand there hopeless...

"I-I.. I am sorry!... " She spoke as she kept crying and clinched onto Anim's coat. "Sorry?.. " Anim didn't knew what she was talking about, all he knew something wrong has happened, and that it was somehow realated to Laito doing something.

If only head walked away with her at that moment.. Then this all wouldn't have happened..

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