Ch-26: And then it all falls apart..

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Walking forward and facing up at the women who knew it all. His Secret, his parents and his everything. He was scared, but can't stay hidden from it either.

"Cordelia... Why..?" Amin asked, His voice wasn't as strong as before, he didn't wanted to know the answer of Why.

"Because I hate your mother. and you were the very impressions of her. So of course I had to." She smiled as chuckled, "your mother was quite a women you know? I hated her with every drop of my blood... I wanted her blood all to myself. A single drop could bring someone back to life! Or.. Give them the most painful and Agonising death any being could wish for! The power that holds.. It's so Beautiful yet so Destructive"

"B.. But why? Why did you!? ONLY BECAUSE OF MY. BLOOD!? ARE YOU THAT JEALOUS!?" Anim yelled at her, "Silence! Is that how you respect adults?" Cordelia rolled her eyes, Anim clinched his fist and frowned, very close to curse Profanities at us, "well.. The ADULT needs to be Respectable too!! You killed My family. MY FAMILY, how am SUPPOSED to give you Respect!? HUH? Are you Brain dead or something!?" Anim yelled.

Cordelia raised her brows as suddenly Anim got teleported to be I front of her and Richter, "my, you have a Sharp Tongue like your Father hmm? How about I silence you once again?" Cordelia instructed Richter, who held Anim's face up harshly.

"Anim!!" Subaru yelled from down stairs, Subaru was only able to Widen his eyes as the sight as he felt angry. Everyone did, Cordelia was a head ache sure, but this was their last straw.

"You foolish Being.. So fragile like your parents.. Once I Kill you, I won't let you come back to life, I'll find a way to make your blood mine.." Cordelia spoke as she approached him.

"Ha.. In your fucking dream old hag!!" Anim yelled, only too be thrown away by Richter Harshly at a corner. Shu quickly moved to run up to him, "Don't you Dare more Shu. Because if you do, You will loss another one of your Peuny Human friend."

Shu Frowned his Eyes because he was powerless here, once again. Anim coughed a bit as he sat up, "Using someone's trama Against them? Ha, guess that's the only thing your Good at..." Anim spoke, "you won't be saying this once I cut your tongue off.. " Richter forced Anim's mouth open as he pulled on his tongue. Anim wasn't gonna take this shit so he Bit down on his Finger.

He bit down with ever force he had, making it bleed as Richter yelled. Anim quickly stood up and ran a bit far away from them. "You bastard!! How dare you Hurt Richter!!"

Anim rubbed off the blood that dripped from his his mouth a bit, gagging at the taste he felt, "Don't worry, it taste Horrible. Bleh"

"Ugh! That's it, Richter! Hold this Silver knife and Kill this boy. Along with this whole family. After these brothers die, there would be nothing to stop me! Come on Richter~" Cordelia told as she handed Richter the silver knife.

Anim held on to the railing, incase he had to jump, he would probably land on the floor breaking a leg, or land on the sofa, having a mid injury. Both cases he was going to jump and get hurt so he would go for it anyways.

Richter looked at The knife, a smirk appearing on his face as he looked at his beloved, "you think I would do it just because you said..? How foolish can you be?"

Cordelia widen her eyes as she chuckled a bit, "Very funny Babe". Richter only laughed more, Cordelia soon came to the realization that it was all His trick. A Trick to get the power, she was fooled from the very start.

"You are such a Foolish women.." He spoke as he tried to drink Her blood, All the while Anim Cringed. Why he gatta be a spectator from so close, "Alrighty guys I am gonna jump, I can't stand this Cringe fest." Subaru and Shu both yelled a No.

Did Anim listen?


he was about to jump when Ayato also came into the scene. Demanding for Richter to let go of Yui. 'did he care about her?' Anim only wondered that as he didn't jump. He saw as Richter took out of his sward and attacked Ayato.

And then another SWARD came flying to Ayato. Well not really Flying but ya know, Laito handed it to him. Anim noticed how Small it was compared to Richter's, "Laito!? Couldn't you have gotten a bigger sward!?" Anim yelled at him, "I handed what I saw frist okay!!??" Laito yelled back.

And in that moment, Richter had pinned Ayato to a wall as the sharp blad had been stabbed through his shoulder, as his Sward was dropped to the other side.

"I guess it's time to say goodbye.. Ayato.." Richter laughed raised his blad up in the Air.

And at that moment, Yui gained her consciousness back. She pushed herself away, straddling the two males, She stool the Silver knife as she ran down a few stairs, away from the two.

Anim for a second only watched, but then he realize what she was about to do. "Wait!! Yui No!!" He  ran to her, Yui only looked at Anim with a smile. Raising the knife up in the air as she looked happily at it.

"Now no one will be hurt.." And then she Stabbed herself in the heart. Anim yelled as he ran up her, held her in her Arms as her body fall down. "Y-yui!! W-wait please this can't be!! Yui!! YUI!!" he yelled as he looked at the knife, the blood running down her dress as her face started to turn pale.

He touched when the blood was and looked at his hand, teares slowly running down his face. "Y-yui... P-..Please.. Listen to me!!" His voice shuttered.

Ayato came running down to look at the girl well. "A-Ayato! D-do something!!" Anim spoke. Suddenly the two heard a weak chuckle escape Yui's lips.

"Her body is dying.. Soon her soul will leave her.. It's only a matter of time, and then.. I'll completely take over while you will watch it powerlessly happen..." Anim frowned at the words. Ayato seemed to be pissed at the words of his mother as well.

"W-wait-.. W-where is Richter-?" Anim realized as he looked back at only to see Richter with his sward raised. Ayato quickly stabbed Richter throw his chest. Anim was sure he was done for today, but not even Ayato is around.

Richter stubbled back. Dropping his blade as he disappeared.

"Anyways.. Let's figure a way to fix this.. " Ayato said he looked at Anim with hopeful eyes.



Hello hello~
Merry Christmas everyone!

Sorry if this Chaptee seemed a bit rushed, because it was. I really wanted to get this Chapter out so i could focus of my Maths of tomorrow.

Anyhow, I probably won't be making a Christmas special because of the same reason.

I will be making the special chapters though, I promise you all that!

So for now
bye bye!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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