Ch-22, hoooo so this is why you don't go snooping around..

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A/n: wtf

Wtf happened to the quality here

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Wtf happened to the quality here. (´。_。`)

Ps. Real spicy tention in the first half- ( ;∀;)


*knock knock*

Yui opens the door to find Anim standing there. She was half Suprised that Anim actually came to talk, she almost thought that he might have gone off talking to Subaru like THEY are the best friends and not her. Anim greeted cheerfully as Yui just nodded, Anim really wanted to apologize about his behavior for the last couple of days and this wouldn't have been a better time.

"Look Anim, I.. I am really tired.. And I don't want to talk to anyone right now.. " She answered as she began closing the door. Anim was quite saddened by that response as he saw the door get shut right on his face.

"... I am sorry.." He muttered as he just took the defeat and walked back to his room, tired and with no energy. "Maybe I'll just apologize properly tomorrow.."

Well all know that tomorrow never actually comes when we say it will.

Over the next few days, Yui continued to Ignore Anim. The Absurd thing was that she would do it, and Show it to his face. Which was more annoying then being silently ignored.

Banging his head on the table, he groaned. "Why..." He mumbled. Laito was there, but when he saw how insane Anim was behaving, he thought that it's best if he just dose not dig in today. He really went "nope I'm out"

Nobody wants to handle a less then stellar, and half out of his head Anim, god prohibit what things he might end up doing. Anim got up from his seat to take a walk outside, but instantly bumped his head on some nice ch- someone. Someone.

"Oof- who-" Anim snapped out of his half lit self and looked up, it was non-other then Shu. Why? Nobody knows. "wha- Shu? What are you doing here?"

Shu sighed as he kept walking, "music room.." Anim did a O with his mouth. "Can i join?" He asked as he followed Shu. Shu didn't say a word a about it and just walked to the music room. "Well if you don't say anything, I'll just take it as a yes." Anim has no shame.

Shu entered the music room as he layed down at the couch. Anim being a meget, and also wanting to touch every single instrument he saw, went wild. He sat on the grand piano, which he never has and pressed a few keys with glee.

Why would a person be so happy to just press a few keys? Again, Nobody knows. Anim kept on roming around until Shu had enough and sat up. "Stop." Anim suddenly halted as he looked at Shu, with a violen in his hand. Anim thought that he had finally pissed off Shu and now it's his end.

"Come here and sit down" Shu instructed as he stood up from the seat, 'yep, I am done for'. Anim sat down, still with the violen. Shu took the violen from his hands, "this is not something for naughty little boys like you" He spoke which satisfied Anim's degradation k- HE WAS ANGRY.

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