Chaos' army

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick Riordan
1 month later
Reyna pov
It's been a month since the four of us ran away from camp. We lived of the food from the tent Phoebe gave me on my quest delivering the Anthena Parthenos. We sleep there, too, and fight of hundreds of monsters everyday.Oh, and some news. Me and Jason started dating, and so did Percy and Thalia. We saw that coming miles away. Today, particularly large herd of monsters came. "Ready?" said Jason. He took my hand and Percy took Thalia's. Together we charged into the herd of monsters, slashing and hacking. Finally after Thalia destroyed the last empousa, we collapsed on the ground panting. Jason poured some nectar on a large cut on my leg. We stood up, ready to turn in. I threw the silver piece of cloth onto the ground and it unfolded into a tent. "We're running out of supplies," Percy announced, his usually cheerful face serious. He held up an empty bottle of nectar and an empty pack of ambrosia. "We need to find help, fast. With our luck, it usually won't come to us," suddenly, we heard a noise outside. We jumped, our weapons at the ready and cautiously walked out of the tent.A man with brown hair in full armor stood out side our tent. "Hello. I am chaos, creator of the universe,and I'm here to offer you a place in my army.

"Okay, so a random man shows up, claims he's the creator of the universe, and tells us we can join his army. What can we say to that?" "I think we should accept, Jase, we don't have a choice and he also said we don't have to come back to earth and can live in his planet, void," "Rey's right," said Percy. We should go, and maybe there would be some blue food!" But he quickly saddened at the thought of it, as his mother used to make it. Thalia hugged him. "Okay, let's go tell chaos our decision,"

"We're in," I announced. "Good, I'll teleport you all there," said chaos. He grabbed our shoulders and I felt like I was shadow traveling, although it was quicker and there was lots of light. "We're here," announced chaos.

Percy pov

This was absolutely crazy! We teleport to this planet, void, which was like a perfect version of earth. We entered a black building, where a cozy living room stood,  but demigod edition, with sword holders in the couches to replace the cup holders, and countless of weapons hanging from the walls. "Alright," said chaos , "this will be your planning room, the dining hall is upstairs, the training room in the 3rd floor, and your rooms on the 4th. Before you explore, I'll give you your rank and you can pick your code names," Yesss, there's code names! I love code names. "First, Percy. Will you be the 1st in command? "Yes" I said immediately, "Do I get cool powers." Everyone laughed and chaos said "Maybe later, Percy. Now Jason, do you accept the position as 2nd in command? "Yes," he said. Next Reyna was appointed 3rd in command and Thalia the 4th. Chaos then shot a ball of energy to each of us. It was painful, but it only lasted a second. After that, I felt a lot stronger. "Ok, now for code names.Percy." " omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet, representing the name of my old life," "Jason?" " alpha, representing the start of my new life," "Reyna?" "Spectrum, that means scepter in Latin," (A/N sorry if this is wrong, I got it from google translate) "Thalia?" "Huntress, even though I am not part of the hunters, I am still skilled in that area,"

We explored the building. Our rooms were amaZhang and whatever decor we wanted we could just say it and it would appear. I made my whole room blue. The next morning, we went down to the dining hall. And then came the biggest shock of my life. There was blue pancakes! Reyna and Jason were already there, kissing each other good morning. Thalia came in and I kissed her deeply, only breaking apart when someone cleared their throat. Five people were sitting in throne like chairs. Chaos sat on a plain plastic chair, though. Hi, Percy, Jason, Thalia, Reyna. These are the primordials."The five people on thrones introduced themselves. "I am Eros," one said. "Eberus," "nyx" "Gaia" "Tartarus," They all we're looking extremely nervous. "It's ok, we forgive you," I said. "Really?" They looked shocked. "Yes, we understand about temper." All of us nodded. "Ok then, some of us would like to bless you all," said Eros. Tartarus blessed us with the power to send any monster to Tartarus anytime, while Gaia blessed us with powers similar to the children of Demeter, only 100x stronger. Nyx gave us the power to manipulate darkness
and to fill any room with darkness. Chaos also blessed us with partial immortality, something like the hunters of Artemis had.

"Well," said Jason. "This is going to be one heck of an extremely long life,"

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now