The first attack

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick Riordan
Percy pov
We ran to half blood hill and saw a small army of 10,000 monsters. "Hey chaos's army! Where are those 5,000 soldiers you told us you have?" asked a son of Hermes. Even with such a small army, the entire camp seemed to be struggling. "They think we need 5,000 soldiers for that?" scoffed Sword. "Yeah, let's show them what we're capable of," agreed Revenge. "Charge!" I roared. We ran into the crowd and started to slash and hack, using our powers. I made a vine to wrap around a monster, killed a cyclops, and sent about 1,000 monsters to Tartarus. Finally, after about 5 minutes, all the monsters were destroyed. We brushed ourselves of and started to walk back to our cabin when we noticed the entire camp staring at us "What?" asked Dove? "Y-you just destroyed all of them monsters!" gaped Annabeth. "It was just 10,000 monsters, why is everyone making such a fuss?" asked Forge. "Emergency meeting in the big house, all councilors and gods are to be there. You don't have to," said Zeus looking in ur direction.

Annabeth pov
I sat uncomfortably in one of the big house chairs, staring at the ping pong table. The gods discussed the army over us. "They are very powerful, they need to be destroyed!" said ares. Everyone knew it was because the chaos army seemed to have more power and skill than him. "No, they can be very useful in our plans to destroy the titans and we can tell the new generation of campers that we did it alone without their help," decided Zeus. "First, let's ask them questions to know that they are not capable of spreading the truth," my mother, Athena said. I volunteered to go, since I wanted to get a closer look at their cabin and maybe they take of their hoods inside! I knocked and the one called Spectrum opened the door. Unfortunately she had her hood on, and when I tried to look inside she didn't stop me. I hoped for some evil looking room, but all I saw was a cozy living room, though I couldn't see farther than that. All the members entered all wearing their hoods. "You are needed at the big house to continue our question asking session with the gods," I said, disappointed that I saw nothing evil.

Jason pov
Omega summoned large thrones for all of us to sit. By all of us I mean only the army. We sat down and I laced my hand through Reyna's. "Alright," said Athena impatiently "When will you reveal yourselves?" "The day we leave," "Are any of you couples?" Guess who said that? No, not Aphrodite. Piper. My backstabbing ex. "Yes me and spectrum are a couple, so is omega and huntress and forge and dove," There were many coos from the Aphrodite cabin and from Aphrodite herself. "Next question, who were your godly parents when you attended here? "We will also reveal that the day we leave," omega said, glaring at his ex father Poseidon. Suddenly, the idiot Cormac tried to pull of huntress's hood of. That idiot, how thick can he get? We laughed and thunder stuck his head, just like it did when I dueled him. Omega growled and caused vines to wrap around him, set fire to his hair, and put both of his swords to his neck. "Don't dare touch my wife ever again. Understand?" Cormac nodded meekly. Percy snapped his fingers and everything turned back to normal, except for Cormac's lightly singed hair.The gods gaped at him. Very well, meeting dismissed," Zeus said, looking slightly shaken.

Piper pov
Wow, those guys were scary! And, well I saw what omega did to Cormac. Seeing the lightning made my heart break.Jason. He was the only thing that kept me going during the quests, and I cheated on him with the stupid mortal Zach. And he disappeared. All because if me. I tried to convince my self the Jason's disappearance wasn't my fault, but the army confirmed my worst nightmare. He did leave because of me. But anyway, those couples seem really cute together, especially Alpha and spectrum.

Annabeth pov
That night I tossed and turned. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of Percy. The days follow his disappearance were the worst days of my life. Artemis announcing that she found the empty camp with an empty bottle of nectar and no signs of the 4, everyone crying, including the gods,burning the burial shrouds and worst of all,Percy running away in grief after he caught me with Cormac.I woke up in cold sweat and looked at the clock. 2am. I reached under my pillow to find the ring. The most beautiful ring in the universe. The one Percy was going to give me. But now he's gone. And it's all my fault.
The ring

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