Got Swallowed by Water- Annabeth is No Help-Again

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick Riordan
Percy pov
"It's spitting me out!" Surprisingly, I could talk pretty clearly in the water. Annabeth scoffed and rolled her eyes. She dived straight through the cyclone, only to have it spit her out a few seconds later. I smirked. "We'll, it is near the sea of monsters," she said, immediately defending herself. I ignored her."Right, what's the plan, wise girl?" I sucked in a breath. I should not have said that. No, not because it might hurt her feeling. She might know who I am! Her eyes filled with tears. "How-," sob "did you know," sob "Percy called," sob "me that?" "He told us his 'wise girl' left him," Thalia interjected, saving me from probably being busted. Annabeth sobbed and swam away. "Oi! We have to get the sword!" She didn't look back. "Ah, we'll manage without her," said Frank. "Don't your blessing from chaos let's you control water? Maybe if you part it, we could get in!" "Or, you could enter from the top," We tried to enter from the top. No luck. It just blocked us and spit us out.

"I'll try to part the water," I concentrated, but the power of the cyclone was too strong. I gritted my teeth and called my friends over. We crossed our swords. "Ready? Go!" The water split for about 3 seconds, the went back to being the cyclone again. "Right, you two need to go in first, then we'll follow. We split the water and Frank and Hazel rushed through. As soon as Hazel was through, the water collapsed again. "Ok in 3, Huntress and spectrum go through the parting," "3,2,1" we concentrated and the girls rushed through. "We'll, it's just you and me now, bro," "Ready,go!" We parted the water and rushed through but Jason wasn't fast enough and the water was spiting him out. "No!" Reyna started pulling and I followed her. Soon Huntress, Hazel and Frank joined in. We finally pulled him through, panting. "Well, this one is certainly stronger than Fire," I remarked. "Where is the fire sword anyways?" asked Hazel.I pulled it out of a specially made sword sheath that no one could pull out the sword except for me or the wearer, which I have to pick.I also had 3 others.

"Right, where's the sword?" "I dunno" we searched around for another hour until we finally found what looked like a locked case. There was a note stuck to the chest.

Solve this riddle in code and answer back in the same code
If you succeed, you will be free to get the sword

There was a radio tape stuck on to the chest. We played it and all that camp out of it was a weird squeaking sound. I looked around, but everyone seemed to have the same confused expression on their face. Except Frank. "That's too easy! That's a dolphin sound, I can understand it," "Well, what does it say?" "Just a simple question, who is the god of the sea?" "That's easy, Poseidon," I winced slightly at my ex fathers name. Hazel kissed him. "Perfect, can you make that sound back?" He turned into a dolphin squeaked something. The case unlocked, and there lay a sword with water swirling around it. "Well, they certainly didn't expect Frank Zhang to be with us," said Hazel, beaming. "Well, since you got it out, you should be the rightful owner of it until we find all the swords," I said, handing Frank the sheath. He tucked the sword into the sheath and hung it onto his belt. It immediately shrunk into a simple unsuspecting 5 inch hunting knife. "Right, let's get out of here," "the question is, how?" "We can part the water again," said huntress, but she didn't sound very enthusiastic about it. "No. I have an idea," Frank walked over to where the cyclone was spinning and stabbed his sword thought it. It stoped immediately, and the cyclone just became normal water. We grinned at each other- though Frank and Hazel couldn't see us grinning, I knew they could feel it. We swam back to the sub and I pressed the button on the door. We walked though and suddenly became dry. "Alpha, Spectrum and huntress, meeting in the planning room," l looked at Frank and Hazel and shook franks hand. "Good job there, buddy," Frank looked pleased and walked away, arm in arm with Hazel.

We sat in the planning room, which is like the version at the Chaos cabin but smaller. "So, why have you called us here?" asked Thalia, sitting on my lap.

"Guys, I think we should reveal our identity to Frank and Hazel,"

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