The Final Battle

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Disclaimer- all characters belong to rick Riordan
Percy pov
The next morning we flashed to camp Olympia and found a full on battle taking place. There were millions of monsters and they kept coming. On a black chariot pulled by pegasi, was Thanatos himself. Beside him, Kronos was in an identical white chariot. I summoned my 5,000 soldiers from the chaos army and they charged. I stacked all of the elemental swords together and they immediately formed into a large sword that glowed with all the elements and radiated power. I took it in my hands. It felt like the hilt was molded for the shape of my hands and it was as light as a knife.

I teleported so i was right behind Kronos. He growled and looked behind at me. "Fancy a Duel?" he jumped down from his chariot and threw his scythe at me. I deflected it with my sword, bored. I used my twin swords, not the elemental one, because i waned to see what Kronos can handle. He growled and attempted to slow time, but it didn't work because i was immune to those things. he looked surprised and threw his scythe at me again, advancing to me. He showed his true from and grew 20 feet tall, expecting me die because mortals can't see divine forms, but I wasn't mortal. Instead I just rose to 20 feet to match him. He grew his scythe at me as fast as light, and i just used one of my twin swords to deflect his blows while using my other sword and dagger to make little cuts on his body. I wanted to hurt, not kill.

Five minutes later, Kronos was panting and i haven't even broken a sweat. I decided to go for the big blow and stabbed the elemental sword right at his stomach. He slowly evaporated into golden fumes which turned into dust. I collected the dust into a small container and made a portal into Tartarus. I dumped the golden dust inside.

Next up, Thanatos. But before that, i decided to check out the fighting. Now that i destroyed Kronos, half of the monsters disappeared, but more kept coming. My army were still holding strong, but camp Olympia, not so much. About 50 dead bodies were seen, and half of the camp were injured. Chiron had a broken leg, so couldn't help with the fighting. I saw Cormac whimpering while attempting to use a sword to defend himself. Annabeth had to stick to him and fight of any monster that tried to eat him. I went to check on Thalia. She was doing fine and wasn't injured accept for a small cut on her arm. I poured on some Dittany, which is like nectar but 100x more powerful on her arm, kissed her, and went to find Thanatos.

"Hey!" I yelled up at him. He immediately jumped down from his chariot and sent blasts of death at me. i deflected it with my sword and my swords drank its power. He rose up to 20 feet, just like Kronos did. "you titans never learn," I chuckled. We dueled for 10 minutes. Thanatos was better than Kronos, but no match for me. I smirked as i saw an opening. I stabbed both of his hands so he wouldn't be able to send blasts of death at me,put both of my twins swords at his neck, and stabbed him in the stomach with my elemental sword. He evaporated like Kronos, accept the fumes were black and so was the powder. I dumped it into Tartarus and all the monsters disappeared.

That night there were celebrations all around. And tears, too. Th campers burned the burial shrouds at the camp fire at gave us a round of applause. The only camper who seemed unwilling to clap was guess who- Cormac.

We went back to the Chaos cabin to chill. "We have to reveal our identities tomorrow, you know," said Reyna, settling herself on Jason's lap. Jason put his arms around her. "You can give hell to Piper," he said. "And we can beat up Annabeth," I said, kissing Thalia.

We settled down in our rooms. I fell asleep, thinking of the gods faces when i reveal my identity tomorrow.

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