Got the First Sword-No Thanks to Annabeth

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Disclaimer- all characters belong to Rick Riordan
Percy pov
I carefully climbed on to Alphas shoulders and put on Annabeth's cap. Hazel did her politeness thing and the fire guy appeared. Spectrum and Huntress struck up a conversation about how she was here, while I was straining to get a look behind her. I was already standing on Jason's shoulder when I finally saw something. I couldn't see it clearly though, but I saw it was something sharp and shiny, chained to some rocks.

I squeezed Jason's shoulders as hard as I could. He walked to a boulder, making sure everyone could see him, and kicked it. I slipped down from his shoulders, hid behind a boulder, and teleported behind the fire monster. I decided not to slip pass it because it was to risky. I saw that the sword was there, lit with fire and chained. (Picture in the previous chapter) I grabbed my sword, lightning, and cut the chains. I grabbed it and tried to teleport out, but my magic was not working. I shoved the sword down my jeans and tried to sneak past Fire. It didn't work. With a roar, she turned towards me. I summoned my twin swords and started dueling with her. Little did she notice, that I made a portal that led out of there and tossed the sword to Huntress. I saw Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Huntress, Spectrum, and Alpha go through the portal. I turned Fire and so I would be near the portal and she would be far away. I shot a blast of water at her, and when she was distracted, I leapt though the portal.

Everyone was there, gasping for breath. Well, not everyone. Only Hazel, Frank and Annabeth. "See, your plan didn't work at all!" "Right," I said sarcastically, but Annabeth actually thought I was agreeing with her. She beamed. "Now, a better plan is that we should- ,"she trailed of as Huntress pulled the sword out of her pants. "Yeah, his plan totally failed," Thalia said smirking. I pulled her into a kiss. "I'll iris message Chiron," she grumbled. Frank and Hazel went with her.

Jason and Reyna went into the car to kiss, while me and Thalia cuddled in the bed. Yes, the bed. Our blue (fancy car name) might look like a regular sport car but inside it actually looks like this.

 Our blue (fancy car name) might look like a regular sport car but inside it actually looks like this

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A/N not my photo, I got it from Pinterest

After a while I saw Frank, Hazel and Annabeth walking back so I got up and Jason and Reyna reluctantly stopped kissing. We walked out and looked expectantly at them. "What?" "Well, what did Chiron say?" "Oh, he says well done, and that Chaos will probably know where the next sword is," "Right, I'll go ask him," I went back to the cabin then a few minutes later I walked out again. He says the next sword, water, will be found under the ocean near the sea of monsters. Annabeth paled but when she noticed i noticed she tried to cover up her face. "Right, I will get a potion that can let you all breath under water and we'll head there," I said, walking back in to my car.

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