The Second Attack

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Disclaimer- all characters belong to Rick Riordan.
Thalia pov
I rushed to the border thinking about weather it would be someone injured or an army of monsters. It was an army of monsters, bigger than last time, about 100,000 monsters. All the campers were panicking and Cormac was gloating about how he could destroy all of these monsters by himself. Suddenly, a monster lunged at him from behind and another camper had to pull him away. Percy called 10 of the best soldiers from our army and told them to charge. Me, Omega, Alpha, And Spectrum crossed out swords and focused on the blessing of Tartarus. With a yell, we pointed our swords to the sky and about 2/3s of the monsters disappeared. By this time, the 10 people from our army and Sword, Revenge, Forge, Dove and Star had already destroyed the rest of the monsters. Percy dismissed them and me, Omega, Alpha, Spectrum, Sword, Revenge, Forge, Dove and Star started to walk away, but saw that the campers were gaping at us. The gods were, to. Apollo and his children were rushing around, helping the injured. "Right, go to the big house and we have to discuss this," said Zeus, looking a-bit scared.

Percy pov
We sat down on our throne like chairs I summoned for everyone in the army. "They are trying to make us weaker. I don't think this an attack to try and kill us the powerful ones,but to kill the people we love most to try and distract us. The new Athena camper that just arrived was killed,"A tear leaked down Annabeth's cheek as she spoke. "We have a plan to bring down Thanatos. Tartarus gave me, Omega, Spectrum and huntress his blessing to send any monster to Tartarus. If we really concentrate, we could be able to send Thanatos to Tartarus as well. Also, Chaos told us that the only way to kill death is to make it alive, so we sent part of our army to find the physician's cure," Leo visibly paled."Right," said Athena irritably, who looked annoyed by being outsmarted but still had to admit we were right."Meeting dismissed, the campers need all the training they can with the war coming up," said Zeus.

Reyna pov
I went back to the chaos cabin and decided to chill but I was bored so I decided to go train. Me and Jason started to duel, occasionally kissing each other when our face were close. Suddenly Percy burst into the room," "It's Chiron," he said. We tore through the camp and sprinted to the infirmary. Chiron lay in a large bed, his normally white horse end red. "What happened?" I asked Will Solace and Apollo who were standing next to him, trying to wrap bandages around him, but there must have been some poison on the sword, because the bandages were melting. "Chiron was stabbed liked Katie and Travis, except this time Riptide was covered in some unknown poison," said Will. He passed the sword to Percy. "Hang on, I thought you had riptide?" asked Jason. "Yes, we just noticed it was stolen,"said Apollo distractedly. Percy was still examining it. I looked closer and found a black liquid covering it. "Wait isn't that-," "water from the river chaos? Yes." Percy said grimly. "Where can the river be found and where is the antidote?"asked Will sharply. "We don't know my father teleported us to a random planet and said it was too dangerous to go near so the nearest we got was about 100 feet.As for the antidote, I'll ask my father for it," said Percy. He went to the corner to MM his father. I looked at Chiron again and felt tears form in my eyes. He was always so kind to me and never treated me like a kid, but like a praetor. Jason put an arm around me and squeezed my hand. Percy emerged from the corner and walked to the door. "Dad said he would teleport the antidote to me at the chaos cabin," he left. The atmosphere became really awkward really quick. I sat down on a chair, hoping Percy would hurry up.

Finally he burst through the door, panting and sweating, waving a small bottle with shimmery liquid in it.

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Not my image, I got it from Pinterest.

"The antidote," Percy gasped, "just pour it over the wound," Apollo carefully uncorked the bottle and poured it over Chiron's horse part. Suddenly Annabeth rushed in, tears in her eyes. "Chiron," she gasped. Then she looked at us suspiciously. "What are you doing here?" "They have kindly given us the antidote for the poison," said Will in a matter of fact voice."Oh," she said sounding disappointed. Suddenly her tone changed. "Oh, how did Thanatos get Percy's sword?... Or maybe you were helping him!" she said in a triumphant voice. "We swear on Chaos's name that we are not helping Thanatos or doing anything evil. Also, why would we bother to give the antidote if we were the one to stab him?" "Maybe it's not the antidote, maybe it's something that will make it wors-," she trailed of as Apollo announced "Healed! He should be regaining consciousness any minute..."

Suddenly, Chiron's eyes fluttered open.

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