The First Sword

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick Riordan
Percy pov
"How are we going to get inside? There's lava in there!" "Fireproof clothes, daughter of Athena," said I in the most duh voice possible. I teleported what looked like normal long sleeved t shirts ,jeans, boots, and gloves but they were actually water and fire proof. "Get changed!" After Annabeth, Hazel and Frank got changed and I caused there to be a hole in the side of the volcano and stepped inside. Annabeth, Hazel and Frank gasped, expecting me to get burned, but I walked through without any trouble . "Blessing of chaos, can control and is immune to all elements," said Alpha. He walked through, holding Reyna's hand. Thalia followed. Frank cautiously stepped in and was surprised he didn't get hurt. Hazel followed then reluctantly Annabeth.

We trekked for an hour in the hot volcano, not finding any sword. We stopped to eat lunch and I speared a Fireproof blanket on the ground and summoned some food.Annabeth looked skeptical but hunger got the better of her and she finally picked up a cheese sandwich.

Suddenly when we were wading through knee deep fire a fire hand attempted to grab Hazel, but luckily Frank pulled her back just in time. I immediately turned pointing my sword at it. Thalia, Reyna and Jason followed closed behind be, weapons raised.I poked my sword at it. A fire hand immediately grabbed my sword and pulled it away. I teleported it back, though. "Angry, much?" I muttered. "Yeah, don't eat my bros sword, fire hand thingy," the fire hand thingy responded by grabbing Jason's sword. "Don't anger him!" Guess who said that. Yes. Annabeth. I could feel Thalia and Reyna rolling their eyes and glaring at her. I grab Thalia and pulled her into a kiss. I heard Reyna whisper to Jason "don't let her get to you," it wasn't really a whisper, because Annabeth huffed and turned away. "Alright, what should we do about the fire hand thingy," said Frank, mildly amused. "Right, I'll summon dove, she can charm speak the fire hand thing to show itself.

I tried to reach dove but the fire hand thingy was some how blocking my magic. "It's blocking my magic!" I said annoyed. "Well, maybe the fire hand is blocking you magic?" "No genius, how come I could just summon my sword?" Annabeth opened her mouth trying to come up with a clever retort, but failed. "Please show yourself," said Hazel politely.

Maybe politeness had a charm, because a figure rose from the lava. It was sort of like when we fought Gaia, but this figure was entirely made of fire. When it touched a rock, the rock became fire to. "Wow," whispered Thalia. "Hello, we are here to look for the elemental sword," The figure roared and sank back down into the lava. " Now looked what you've done, you scared it away and don't be so obvious," Reyna hissed. "I can try what I just did-" said Hazel."Yes, but we need a plan and make sure nobody ruins it," said Jason, looking directly at Annabeth. "Right, Annabeth, give me your Yankees cap." "How did you know I have one?" "If it hadn't crossed you brilliant mind, I have told you since the first day that I have been a camper here!" Annabeth reluctantly handed her cap over. "Right, I'll get on Alphas shoulders to see if there is a sword behind her. You guys keep her talking. If a see a sword, I'll squeeze Alpha's shoulders and if I don't, I'll squeeze his arm.If I see the sword, Alpha will kick a rock to let you know. Then I can sneak through her and try and get the sword," I said. Annabeth tried to disagree but there wasn't any flaw in my plan so she couldn't.

"Right, game time,"

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now