Camp Olympia

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick riordan
Chaos pov
I stepped through my portal and into the Olympian throne room. The gods were arguing as usual. Typical. I cleared my throat dramatically. "You dare interrupt the Olympian council meeting? Who are you?" Zeus the drama queen thundered. "I am chaos, creator of the universe," I said. To prove it, I flicked my hand and drama queen's lightning bolt came flying at me. I caught it easily and threw it onto the ground. "I am here to offer you help from my army. Do you accept?" "Y-yes of course my
L-lord. We would be honored to have your army to aid us in the w-war," Zeus stammered. I mentally smirked. "Ok I will get get them now," I stepped back into my portal.

Percy pov
I griped Thalia's hand as we stepped through the portal. I could feel the gods eyes on us, trying to be intimidating. It didn't work in the least. "I am Omega, first in command of the chaos army," I announced. "Alpha, second in command,"Spectrum, third in command," "Huntress, fourth in command," "Sword," "Revenge," "Star," "Dove," "Forge," "Ha! You call yourself an army with only 9 people? I knew that "Chaos" thing was a fraud," Ares scoffed. This was enough. "Do not insult my father!" I roared. "Also, we have 5,000 soldiers in our command who will come when we summon them," I said calming my self down a bit. "Your father?" Athena asked. "Yes, chaos is my father and alpha's father is Uranus, Huntress is also Uranus, Spectrum is hemera. We are all adopted,"All of the gods looked shocked. "Ok, you will be staying at camp Olympia. We will call some of the campers to escort you there, but before that, I want you to remove your hoods so we know we can trust you," Athena looked at us suspiciously. "We won't remove our hoods but we can swear on chaos's name that we won't attack you if you won't attack first because it it chaos's order not to do so. Also, what is camp Olympia?" Asked my bro Jason. "Camp Olympia is a camp for demigods, but is originally two camps called camp half blood and camp Jupiter. The campers have already arrived," Hermes  said and right on cue, the throne room doors swung open and there stood Chiron, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, The stoll brothers and Piper.The person who stood at the left made me grind my teeth and I could feel Thalia glaring at her.


Later. I'll deal with her later. I thought as I turned back to the gods. "These campers will escort you to camp," said a tired voice.

It was Poseidon. My ex-father. And he looked absolutely horrible. More horrible than during the time when Oceanus tried to take him down. "If you don't mind me asking, lord Poseidon, but you look more tried than I have ever seen you when I was last on earth. What happened?" I expected him to shout at me, but instead his shoulders slumped and he signed. "My son, Percy Jackson, disappeared tomorrow 5 years ago. We searched for him and his friends everywhere," he choked back a sob. "I think it's best if the campers finish the rest of the story," he said before vanishing in a swirl of water, just like he did when he disowned me. I clenched my fists. Ha! He looks like he actually cares.  But back to the campers. They were looking sort of .... sad? Weird. Probably someone recently died or something.Ok, I can make a portal to camp Olympia. "You know where it is?" I looked towards the voice. Annabeth. "Yes, I used to be a camper at camp half blood. I'm assuming camp Olympia is at the same place?" Everyone nodded.I made a portal and me and my army stepped through.I saw the campers reluctantly following.
Annabeth pov

I didn't trust these people in the least. Kronos is rising again, and this "army of chaos" waltz in and offer to help? Where were they in the last 2 wars? Thinking of them made me think of Percy. Oh, why did I choose that idiot Cormac over him? He fell in to hell for me. A tear dripped down my face as I stepped through the portal and arrived at half blood hill. A large sign proclaimed: Camp Olympia: a safe place for demigods. "Alright." I declared "I am going to ask you 9 some questions so I can deem you all trustworthy." The 9 people looked at each other. "Alright," said a girl, dove, I think, " but as long as you let us ask some questions back," We all sat on the grass."Ok, first question who are you and why do you wear hoods?" There was a pause. Finally, the guy I think was called sword answered. "Some of us were greatly disliked and some of us made some bad mistakes, but we changed and are now here to help but if we reveal ourselves, you will not want our help," I nodded. It sounded like Luke's story though it couldn't be him because he was dead and in the underworld. "And some of us were betrayed by the one we loved most so we left and are only here because it is our duty," "Ok, next I would like to know if you came to camp before and how many years ago was it when you came. "I came here when I was young and left 5 years ago said the one called spectrum I think. Omega, huntress and alpha nodded. "The four of us came together," " I left camp 7 years ago and join 5 years ago when chaos and omega recruited me." Said revenge. Sword, dove,  and forge nodded. "I never came to camp, but joined the hunters. I left 9 years ago and omega and chaos recruited me 5 years ago." (A/N I know Zoe doesn't speak Modern english, but it's easier so sorry!)Said the one called star. "So um.. you all seem like travelish people. Have you by any means met a guy name Percy Jackson? He has black hair and green eyes. The 9 looked at each other nervously. "Yes." said omega "really?" I perked up. Maybe I could finally find Percy! "When did you meet him?"
"When we first join, chaos offered him a place in our army but he declined. He told us that a girl named Annabeth, the love of his life has betrayed him and his father disowned him. His mom, sister, and stepfather were killed by a guy named Cormac Miller. He didn't want to live anymore," said Omega. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Why do you look so sad? Aren't you the Annabeth who betrayed him for Cormac? Speaking of, where is he anyways?" asked omega sharply. "Cormac is still alive. He is an outcast because we know he is the one who drove our 4 best heroes out of camp. Their names were Jason, Reyna, and Thalia.

"As for Percy, I still regret leaving him. Cormac is a jerk. Have you seen the four of them?" "Yes, we offered all of them a place in our army but they declined. Jason was betrayed by his girlfriend, Piper. Thalia and Reyna were sick of being the gods slave. I saw that they were camping in a tent. Hope this helps," alpha said with a sharp edge to his voice. "Let's go back to the chaos cabin," said forge. "But there isn't any chaos cabin," I said. "There is now," said dove a duh tone in her voice. She pointed to the strawberry fields where an amazing cabin with 4 floors lay. The architecture was simply amazing, it was cozy and modern at the same time. "Goodnight" said huntress flatly, "We can continue our question asking session later."

Alpha pov:
we walked to the chaos cabin, trying not to relived the memories that happened around us.But it wasn't until we got to the cabin that we realized that a huge crowd was watching our question asking session with Annabeth , tears streaming down their faces.

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