The First Day at Camp Painlympia-sorry, Olympia

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Disclaimer-all characters belong to Rick Riordan
Omega pov
The next day I woke up to the sound of the built in alarm clock forge had installed for 4am. I needed to talk with him
later about his alarm sound choices. Probably Doves choice, I don't think anyone would want to wake up to top 10 most popular love songs of 2022 playing in their ear. On the bright side, it got me up so I went down to the training room then changed my mind. Maybe use the camps training arena instead, and there was always a board with the day's training session on it, so it would be good to take a look there and see what the camp has been doing while I was gone. I saw that I wasn't the only one who had that idea, since the rest of my team were standing there, scoffing at the board. I took a look at nearly burst out laughing. First of all, in was short, only one hour sessions in the morning and 2 hour sessions in the afternoon. Next, it was so weak just hacking at dummies and doing random drills. They wouldn't last a minute in chaos training.I MMed
(Mind message )my father and asked him if we could train the campers. He agreed and told me he would "inform" Zeus about it. I went back to the chaos cabin and sat with Thalia on my lap and flicked through some TV. Beside me, I saw Jason absentmindedly playing with Reynas hair. Around 8am, there was a knock on the door and star got up to answer it. We pulled our hoods on and stars voice floated down the hallway. "Hi Annabeth. Sure we would join you for breakfast. Ok, bye," Star entered and I glared at her. "Why did u do that?" "Zeus would probably make the announcement about us training them at breakfast. I would like to see the look on their faces," "Smart! Let's go,"

Spectrum pov
I sat down to breakfast in an extremely comfy throne like chair. The rest of the team did the same and I saw the campers looking at us with envy, they were all sitting on wooden benches. Jase slid an arm around my waist as Zeus appeared with a pop in front of the dining pavilion. Show of. "Hello campers," he boomed "chaos has kindly offered for his army to train you all," "yes, lord Zeus," said everyone bowing. Well, everyone accept from the people at the chaos table. "Bow," Zeus thundered. "How about no," I said firmly. The others nodded. Quick as lightning Zeus threw his lightning bolt at me. I could tell he had been planning this moment for a long time. But I rolled my eyes. Jason jumped in front of me and grabbed the bolt, draining the energy from it. He threw the empty bolt onto the ground. "Never threaten my wife again," he spat. Zeus nodded meekly and disappeared. The campers looked at us in shock. Suddenly, an ignorant looking boy came up to us. "You, me the arena, 10 am,"  he said to Jason. "That's Cormac," omega muttered "beat him up for me, alp"

Cormac marched into the arena, covered in full armor. Jason was looking hot as usual, in a t-shirt and jeans and of course his hood. Perfect the gods have come to watch with some popcorn. "No killing, powers are allowed. Start!" said Chiron. Cormac dove at Jason swinging his sword wildly. Jason easily sidesteped, then called for lightning to strike on Cormac's head. He fell over and Jason stepped on his stomach, holding one of his twins swords to cormacs throat and one to his head. "And the winner is alpha of the chaos army and the match lasting 57 seconds," Chiron announced." Now, it is time to train," said Percy.

The training was hilarious. Camps' best heroes, frank, hazel, Leo, Annabeth, and Piper were panting in about 30 seconds . They staggered to lunch thinking the training was over but oh no it wasn't. "Our next session begins in 30 minutes and is 5 hours long," Revenge announced.

At 7pm we were ready to go back to our cabin and chill, when the couch horn sounded twice. There was an attack!

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