The Second Sword

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Disclaimer- all characters belong to Rick Riordan
Percy pov
I walked out of the cabin and gave Annabeth, Hazel and Frank a bottle of blue potion that allowed them to breath underwater. It looked like this.

Not my photo, I got it from google

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Not my photo, I got it from google.

Annabeth looked skeptical, but Frank and Hazel didn't hesitate and drank it, so she had no choice but to follow. "Right, I called Argus to give you a ride. See you there!" I jumped into my car and we drove of, leaving them in the dust.

Annabeth pov
These people are so annoying! First they outsmarted me, then they succeeded without my help, then they give us a potion that I hoped was poison, but it actually tasted good! Oh right, they also drove away in their fancy car and leaving us to ride with Argus! Arg! Anyways, it took an hour to drive to the closest coast near the sea of monsters, which was in Florida. (I don't know if that's true, it's been a while since I read the books and I know it doesn't take an hour to drive from St. Mt. Helen to Florida, but just pretend it is, for the story) I saw that the four of them were already there, having dinner at a cafe near by. I just realized how late it was getting and how tired I was. Luckily, the girl called spectrum walked up to me and said, "It's getting pretty late, we'll continue our quest tomorrow. Don't worry, you potions last for 72 hours. Also here's the key for the hotel to stay for the night," she pointed at the Florida Beach Hotel near by.(idk if that's a real hotel, but I made it up.) Spectrum walked away. I looked at the keys and saw that Hazel and Frank got a double suite, while I just got a small room with a single bed. Sighing, I walked to the hotel.

Percy pov
The next morning, I woke up and in my private villa, Thalia curled up beside me. I could hear Jason snoring in the room beside us. I got up and looked through the window at Hazel and Franks room, in the hotel across the street. The lights were open, good. I looked to Annabeth's room and saw that the lights were closed. Typical. I kissed Thalia and walked out of the bedroom.

At 9am, we met at the pier. "Right, this is our ship. I said pointing to a white yacht.

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Not my image it's from Pinterest

We all got on. "Right, Hazel can you do the thing where you detect metal?" "Yep, though I'm not sure it would be good, but we would have a general idea on where it is," "how do you know Hazel can detect metals?" "I told you many times, I used to be a camper!" "Yeah, but we're you there during the Greek/Roman fiasco?" "Yes, it happened more than 5 years ago didn't it," Annabeth blushed and looked away. We sailed for a while and finally Hazel said something. "Here! I think it's somewhere around here, not farther than about 100 yards around this point," "Perfect, we'll go down now," "Do we have to jump?" "No, this boat turns into a submarine," I punched a button on the control panel and the boat started changing immediately until it looked like this.

 "Here! I think it's somewhere around here, not farther than about 100 yards around this point," "Perfect, we'll go down now," "Do we have to jump?" "No, this boat turns into a submarine," I punched a button on the control panel and the boat start...

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Not my image it's from Pinterest

I lowered it into the water until it almost touched the ocean ground and drove around for a while. Everyone was looking out the windows for the sword, but Annabeth was just chilling in one of the sub's cozy couches. "Start looking!" Alpha barked she scurried to the window. "There!" said Thalia. Everyone rushed to her and we found an large unusual water cyclone circling around something. "Right, to the top deck and I'll open the door. You can just walk out." Everyone went to the top deck in wetsuits (and me, spectrum, alpha and huntress with waterproof hoods, of course)and  I was about to punch the button that would make the gates open when Annabeth shouted "Stop! Why didn't you guys take the potion?" "We can breath underwater, blessing of chaos," said spectrum in an annoyed voice. I punched the button and the door opened, but an invisible barrier was keeping the water from coming in. I dived straight through the border and in to the warm water. Alpha, Huntress and Spectrum followed. Frank walked cautiously in and looked like he was about to turn in to a dolphin when he figured out he could breath. He gave a thumbs up and Hazel immediately dived through. Annabeth slowly followed, but when she got used to the idea that she could breath underwater, she swam around in circles, not caring that we have a quest to finish. "Oi! We have a sword to find!" I yelled. Annabeth reluctantly stoped and swam over to us. "Right, let's go," I dove straight into the cyclone, but unlike fire, it didn't try to pull us in, but immediately spat me out.

"Right. This certainly will be challenging,"

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now