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" Pragya.. open the door pragya, you lazy open" shouted Meera banging on the door from past 10 minutes.

Pragya opened her eyes by the Sunray's and rubbed her eyes, stretched her body.

" coming sissy" answered lazily.

Yawning she opened the door to find her sister glaring at her.

Pragya smiled sheepishly at her and pulled her in a big hug.

" leave me I just wore an ironed dress" complained Meera pushing her away.

" you look beautiful but not than me" winked Pragya making Meera to giggle.

Author's pov:

Pragya completed her daily routine and ate fully.
Meera left for her office saying she will return at evening.

" so much of leisure time, what to do now" said Pragya laying on her bed.

Some idea 💡 came to her and she started to roam the haveli.

She took liking towards the antiques and paintings, architecture.
Her mind is attacked by the thought of yesterday's night incident.

She shook the thoughts away and came to balcony for fresh air.

" I love this Haveliiiii" shouted Pragya with a wide smile.

The kids who came to fetch their kite which struck on the tree there saw her and shouted at her.

" sister help us" a boy shouted.

" what help?" Shouted back Pragya.

" our kite struck there, help us" said another boy.

" wait I will come" said Pragya.

Pragya came to those lovely kids and see the kite which struck on tree branch which is just near the window of the room she saw last night.

" I will get it, wait here in shadow" said Pragya before thinking for a while.

But those children cute faces melted her heart.
Not thinking twice she ran to the room and stood in front of the door.

" lock opened?" Thought Pragya scratching her head.

" old lock it breaks its common" said Pragya herself and opened the door.

Pragya stepped inside, the trees in the haveli began to move by the force of wind.

Even thought room is filled with dust it looks elegant, her eyes roamed entire room.

" first kite" said Pragya and went near window and waved hand towards the kids.

She clutched the kite and untied it from branch and threwed it towards kids.

Kids catched it and gave a flying kiss to her she also returned it.

She turned back and faced room.

Pragya moved to the wardrobe and find expensive sareers, jewellery and letters.

She then find an uniform of a britisher hanging on a hanger near a portrait of a couple.

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