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Burton kept looking into her eyes like that, she is wincing under him to escape and her soul is screaming inside her " do something don't let him destroy you, you have to fight back do something, fight back...go teach him a lesson show him you are not weak and show him that Indian women are also powerful in the matter of saving their dignity, show him his place..go fight back fight for you fight..fight!!" raging by her thoughts Payal attacked Burton by poking one of his eyes with her finger.

" ouch!!" Burton yelped in pain by  covering his eye with his palm.
Taking this as chance Payal pushed him away from her and got up.
Took her duppata and covered herself, she is about to go but he held her by arm " I won't let you go, you're my wife and today I will make you mine" Burton shouted.
Payal scratched him by her nails to get released from his grip.
" ouch...ho" Burton exclaimed.
She took jug and poured water on him and started beating him with jug.

She attacked him on his arms and legs cursing " you are interested in making me yours know then enjoy this"
" stop it please it's hurting" he begged her.
" please?? I wonder you know this word...
It's nothing compared to the torture you gave to everyone in this village and its nothing compared to the havoc you created in my life" saying this She beat him more and took keys from him and ran from there locking him.

" no stop!!" Burton shouted.

Payal eyes became red but something had changed in her now, she is feeling proud of herself for taking this step.
Without wasting time she unlocked main door by the key and ran from the Haveli.

Burton slowly got up from the floor and tried to open the door
" my lady open the door you are not doing good, I said open the door" he shouted.

Payal crossed Haveli premises and ran into the village but find every house doors closed and some guards are guarding in the streets.
She hide herself from the guards.

" what are these guards doing here at this hour?" She thought and stared at the star filled sky.

Her filled with tears and memories of her counting the stars along with her sister played in her mind.
" you snatched everything from me, I will never forgive you" she said.

Burton got successful in opening the door and shouted for Payal but silence greeted him in response.
" she can't escape she can't leave me, no she can't" Burton shouted and ran outside.

Payal came out of her thoughts hearing guards words, she can't understand what they're talking and she decided to escape from there before someone catch her, she stealthily ran towards forest.

Burton came to the guards, seeing his Sir like in that conditin made guards shock.
" did any girl came here?" Burton asked them, they answered in no.

Burton  said them some features of Payal and ordered them to search her.
He too started searching her.

Guards barged into houses and searched for Payal making the people in the houses to fear.
After few minutes Guards reported to Burton saying they didn't find her.

" Bring everyone here right now" he shouted.
Within few minutes every villager is present infront of Burton, lowering their heads.

" I know one of you hiding my wife, tell me where is she I will leave you all, otherwise punishment will be severe" Burton warned them taking his whip out and slashed it on the ground.

" we really didn't know about your wife spare us sir" cried all villagers.

" you people won't speak up, right?" Saying this Burton slashed few villagers, but again same answer came.

" I think we should search madam somewhere else sire" said One of the guard, Burton thought for a while and went from there and guards followed him.

" where can she go, she is not in village then where she went??" Burton thought and something struck in his mind.

" follow me" He orders his guards.

Scene shifts:

Payal is running in forest and it is pitch dark, few thorns pierced her skin on the way, perhaps she is not focusing on them, her legs are aching and she is panting but she can't stop running if she stop she might become meal for a wild animal or Burton will catch her.

But fate have some other plans for her.
She tripped on something and fall down, and the ground being slant she rolled down all her way and directly fell into the river.

Burton reached forest and ordered his guards " search every corner, I want my wife find her and remember one thing nothing should happen to her, now go" guards left, Burton took out his pistol and went on searching her.

Payal doesn't know swimming and the river is deep she is moving her hands and legs trying to swim but she started to drown.

" help...someone help please help" Payal shouted," in this forest no one will help me then why I'm shouting, death is more better than being a wife to a cruel person" her inner self mocked her, with that she stopped struggling and stopped trying to swim, allowing herself to drown.

Namaste my lovely readers.

" what you think, what might happen ,
Will Burton able to save Payal??🤷‍♀️

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Lots of love to you ❤ 💕

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