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Thanks to buddies from bottom of our hearts {your author and her sister Meera} for the prayers, support, concern, care and love you all have showered like a colorful rain 🌧  on your us , it's really means a lot for us.
Once again a giant THANKS TO ALL BUDDIES 💗

Pragya's uncle Megan came and they all received him and explained the situation to him

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Pragya's uncle Megan came and they all received him and explained the situation to him.
He heard everything patiently and decided what to do next.

He said looking at them " we should try sending into trance".
Meenal thought for a while and said " will it help?", He thought for a while and nodded his head in yes.

All this while a question is eating both Pragya and Meera, so they blurted out it at same time.

" Burton is a ghost how will we get rid of him uncle?"
To which he answered " I hope we find something useful after the trance session"

They agreed and he looked at Pragya and asked whether she is ready for the session.
At first she hesitated but she agreed soon.

Slowly Megan took Pragya into trance and she is completely under his command.

He started asking questions and she kept giving answers.
In the process she said how Burton hanged her family in front of her eyes.

Pragya kept sobbing and kept mumbling.

" control yourself Pragya, relax" said Megan who sent Pragya into trance.

" I am Payal.." she murmured.

" okay Payal, relax...
Tell me, he hanged your family what happened next" Megan asked her.

Payal continued saying :

Saugandhpur,1877's British India :

I am laying in the corner of the room and shivering terrible recollecting the sight which I witnessed before.

My heart shattered into million pieces, now I had no one left in my life, I became alone suddenly.

Hearing foot steps Payal got alerted and Burton came to her and sat beside her on the floor.

She moved away from him, he moved towards her, this continued until Payal got stuck between table and no place to move away from him.

He caressed her hair, she wriggled her head.

" okay, relax my love, just relax" he said.

She is fuming in anger and her nose is flaring, he is observing her and said " you look beautiful even in anger too"
She turned her face away.

" this is not fair, if you turn away from me, where will you go? you have no one left in this world other than me, now you have to accept me as your husband.
Let's start our relationship come to me" He said and tried to hug her forcibily.

" get away from me" she kept blabbering and beating him with her hands, he held her hands and locked them with his hands at her back.

His breathe is fanning her tear eyed face, not even thinking about what she is going through at present, he leaned and placed a Kiss on her lips not giving a chance to her head away.

Now he is holding her head with his hands as she is moving and he leaned onto her more and rested her head at table and kept kissing her.
She is not reacting to his kiss.

So he bit her lower lip and she Gasped in pain.

She is digging her nails into his back and she is out of breathe now.
Burton understand this and stopped kissing her.

She is breathing heavily and he is panting.

" why are you torturing me why don't you kill for once and all" Payal yelled in her language which Burton not understood.

He kept looking at her confused.
He can understand some of her language but not mostly and correctly.

" you kidnapped me then married me against my will now you killed my parents, you are a Inhuman, you are a rock, you have lust on me not love" she yelled at him in tears.

She got up and ran from there and he kept looking at her.

" this is my first kiss and I messed up everything, she didn't even reacted does she don't know how to kiss? May be, I will teach her" he thought adjusting his hair.

A maid came running to Payal, she said about the order of Burton.
Payal got to know that dead bodies of her family are going to be thrown from the hills, she is now more devastated hearing that news.

" no...no... I won't let this happen, never..." Pragya kept mumbling in trance state.
She is feeling more anxious and sweating badly.

Meera and her mother got tensed seeing her like that, Megan assured them she will be fine and he said something and Pragya came out of trance.

" this your first session Pragya, we will continue it tomorrow, take rest" Megan said, he handed the recorder in which, what she talked in trance is recorded.

Meenal hugged her daughter and consoled her.
Pragya went to her room and started hearing her confession.

Perhaps the lights in her room start to flicker making her to panic a bit, and sounds of foot steps started to echo.

Soon her room is filled with smoke and from that, emerged Burton making her to step back in fear.

Namaste lovely readers.

Ps: This chapter is dictated by your Author and written by me her sister Meera.
Your author is so stubborn and she really don't want all of her lovely buddies to wait for the update

So here it is share your thoughts about the update 💟

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Lots of love to you ❤ 💕

Lots of love to you ❤ 💕

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