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● This chapter is not intended to hurt or disrespect any tradition, culture, people, beliefs and countries.

Burton is getting ready hurriedly, Payal came there and find him doing things fastly but not bothered to ask him.
She walked past him, suddenly he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed on her back, she is shocked by his act and wriggled, " my lady, I'm going to meet my superior and I will invite him for lunch, I want you to adorn yourself with this dress and jewellery" he said and " why don't  you leave me alone, let me go" she yelled, He can understand slight bit of what she said, so he handed basket covered with cloth to her.
She look puzzled and opened it and find a gown and a necklace in it.

She took out the gown and eyed it confused.
" this is the dress ladies wear in England, I want you to wear this and meet my superior along with me" He said.
She felt disgusted by seeing the dress and throwed it away Shocking him.
" what happened my love don't you like it?!" He asked worried, she yelled " how you thought that I will wear some disgusting dress, these type of clothes may be your culture but it's not mine, I wear only saree, do you understand"

He thought for a while and said
" I understood, I wish to see you in this dress but no problem you can wear what you like"
He left from there, she took the gown and teared it fuming in anger.
" does this superior is the one whom Veer is planning to kill?" She thought.

Scene shifts:

Burton along with his superior Watson, came to haveli, maids welcomed him, while Burton eyes is searching for Payal.
He said something to maid,
That maid informed Payal about his arrival and asked her to come down.
Burton served wine to Watson.

" Burton, if you didn't shoot that traitor I might be dead by now, thank you" Watson said, " I was in search of him since a while, and I came to know that he is planning to kill you and I finished him" Burton laughed.

" how dare he is to Attack me, with him his fight also came to end, let's have some more wine in the name of your victory" Watson said handing wine glass to Burton.

Payal covered her face with veil and walked out but stopped as she heard few maids talking " do you know The Rebellion Veer is shot dead few hours ago, he is the one who tried to fight for us against these people but he is also dead now" .
Hearing that Payal shattered and collapsed on the floor, tears started to flow profusely.
She muffled her sobs with her pallu.
" he killed Veer!, why God why are you doing this??
He tried to help us, these Britishers took his life" Payal cried.

Watson sipped his drink and said " I heard you are married, you didn't invited anyone. Perhaps, you can introduce your wife  right?"
To which Burton replied " of course, I will introduce her now".

Burton reached his room and find  Payal sitting on the ground crying badly.
He is shocked to find her like this and immediately ran to her and hugged her but she pushed him away.
" don't come near me, stay away you stoneheart" she cried.

" my lady what happened? Why are you crying? Are you got hurt did you get any injury?" He asked checking her.
She jerked his hands and stood up.
" why you killed him?? Don't you have heart, he is a rebellion you killed him but remember one thing the fight for our freedom will not end with him, one day we will definitely get freedom from you bloodsuckers, my motherland will get freedom" she yelled.
He is confused by her words not getting what she is saying.

" sshh...calm down my lady, my superior is here what he think if he heard your shouts, just come with me, wipe your tears" He said and wiped her tears.
He dragged her down not paying heed to her anymore.

Soon they are standing infront of Watson.
Payal immediately covered her face with veil.
" meet my wife Payal sire" he said.

Watson stared at her from head to toe, he laughed and said " you married an Indian girl, what have gotten into you Burton, you have so much beautiful girls in England, why you married this girl made of mud..
They are suitable to be slaves not to be treated like queens" He taunted while Burton went silent and his facial expressions changed.

Watson snapped his fingers at Payal and said " hey you slave come and clean my boots"

Payal didn't moved, " are you deaf, can't you hear! Come and clean my boots and massage my legs you filthy garbage" he yelled.

Burton fisted his hands, " these girls are like tissue papers just use and throw, Burton if you like her so much just spend a night and throw her out of your life" Watson said and glared at Payal.

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