chapter fourteen

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-China Pov

Y/N came back a few hours ago and finally agreed to let Germany help him, but he still refuses to take a break no matter how much we ask him after a while UK came up here to tell us supper was done, and Germany left with him, so it leaves only me, and Y/N how paid no attention to UK or the absence of Germany. 


 "Yes, China?" 

"I need you to stop for a minute." 

"I can't, I have to get this done." I got up, walked over to Y/N, and started to massage his shoulders. That got him to stop. 


"Look Y/N we are trying to help you."

 "I know."

 "Then why do you refuse help?"

 "I'm trying not to." 

"What is standing in the way?"

 "If I know then you guys would be helping me more often, but I don't so please, Drop it." I give out a long lengthy sigh.

 "Can you at least go and eat supper."

 "I need to get this don-" I turn his chair around and cut him off with my lips on his.

 "I will carry you downstairs and you can't fight me because you are injured." at this point his face started to get very red.

 "I... I will go down and eat dinner with you guys." 

"Good I hate to go further to bribe you." 

"Don't threaten me with a good time."

 "Maybe I will. after you are better." with that, we walked down to the dining hall with me helping him down the stairs. 

UK- "I was about to get worried something happened to you two." 

Y/N- "It just takes longer for me to get down here than usual." We ate dinner in silence for the most part. 

America- "Y/N... I want you to take it easy and give us more work around the house." wait did America just try to take charge? ... that is strange. 

Y/N- "If you guys want to do more than just do more you live here so do what you want."

 "Y/N did we ever tell you what happened on the first day of our chorus?" 

Y/N- "No, why? What did you guys break?" 

America- "Hopefully nothing important." He whispered hoping Y/N didn't hear. 

Canada- "We are sorry Y/N. but China fixed mine and Japan's mistake, so it is fine." is Canada sweating? I need to milk this. 

"Yes, I had to stop them from flooding the house." 

Japan- "CHINA!"

 Y/N- "Can I know exactly what happened before I kill someone." This is great. 

UN- "As far as I am aware they just put too much soap in the washing machine not as big as America...I should not have just said that. You know what Y/N forget I said anything."

 Y/N- "You know what. I am going to go back to my office and deal with this when I am done healing. Now if you excuse me, I am going back to my office...China do you wish to join me?"

 "Of course, Y/N." Me and Y/N walked not to his office like I planned but instead we walked into his bedroom. 

"Umm, Y/N I thought you said we were going to go to your office."

 "I know what I said but I want to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable. And frankly, I didn't want to ask anyone else except maybe for Soviet, but I felt like he has done too much and well you did say I needed to let you guys help more often so this is my way of letting you help."

 "You listened to me. Not many people do that."

 "I almost wasn't going to, but I remembered how much you all cared, and I figured I don't need to go back to the hospital just because I was stubborn." 

"Ok, thank you. Now, where are your clothes?"

 "There in that drawer." I grabbed his clothes and walked back over to Y/N and started to help him undress when I noticed that his bandages have blood on them. 

"Y/N are you ok?"

 "I... no not really, I'm starting to get lightheaded."

 "Stay right here and I will go get Soviet." 

"Ok..." I ran back downstairs 

"Soviet I need you now!" 

Soviet- "I am right here China please calm down." 

"I need your help with Y/N. His wound." 

Soviet- "Wear, is he?" 

"In his room. I will go get the med kit and the other stuff you called for earlier."

 Soviet- "Yes, do that." Soviet ran upstairs and I went to get the supplies. 

Canada- "Hey China is everything ok?"

 "I need to get the supplies for Soviet to help Y/N. Ok so help me or shut up"

 Canada- "Right." We gathered everything we needed and ran to Y/N's room. 

"Soviet we have everything."

 Soviet- "About damn time." We handed the supplies to Soviet and about thirty minutes we got the bleeding to stop and got Y/N changed into better clothes for him to sleep in. 

Soviet- "China how did it open?" 

"We walked up the stairs into his room and I started to help him undress when I noticed it." 

Canada- "Someone needs to stay with him tonight." 

Soviet- "I will stay."

 "I don't think that is a good idea." 

Canada- "I think China is right. I mean Russia will be in here and we all know he gets drunk before bed, and he hides that from Y/N so if Y/N wakes up and Russia is drunk well we know how that will go. But I also can't stay because America will be here by my side, and he is too loud. So that leaves China because Japan will only come in here to make sure everything is ok then he will leave." 

Soviet- "Sadly I will agree with you Canada. China I am putting you in charge of Y/N. If there are any complications with him, please wake me up."

 "I will do that." I sit in a chair right beside Y/N's bed and watch Soviet and Canada leave the room. I looked over to Y/N, but I noticed something... he was crying.

 "Y/N why are you crying?" I got up to get closer to Y/N wean all of a sudden, he grabs me and yanks me down with him onto the bed and begins to cuddle me.

 "Y/N... You are not going to wake up are you." well I guess this is one way to watch over him.

(1079 words. I noticed my chapters are shorter than the other chapters. I want your feedback to see if you prefer longer or shorter chapter because if that is what you guys prefer, I will do just that. anyways Bye- Bye.)

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