chapter seventeen

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-Canada Pov

Y/N lost his shit with Soviet, and people are trying to get him to calm down and an idea sparked in my mind.

 "Hay Y/N, do you want to go hunting?" I mean it will help him blow off some steam and he has the equipment to do so.

 Y/N- "I can imagine one of the animals as Soviet... YES!" 

UK- "What!? You can't go not in your current condition." 

Russia- "Me and America can go with." 

UN- "It might help, and if there are a total of four less fatalities." 

UK- "Very well. Just be back here before dark." 

Y/N- "Of course UK, now follow me and we will get the hunting gear.'' After about thirty minutes we wear all set and started to walk into the woods by the property. 

America- "Wear is the best place to hunt?"

 Y/N- "So far it has been by the river." 

America- "Then let's go." We made it to the river and Y/N was right, it is filled with wildlife. 

Y/N- "Now whatever we kill we are going to sell." 

Russia- "That is fine with me." 

Y/N- "Also there have been some bear sightings so be extra careful." 

America- "You got the bears Russia?" 

Russia- "Of course." We have been hunting for an hour and we have caught absolutely nothing. 

"I think we should head back." 

Y/N- "Agreed, we caught absolutely nothing, what a bummer." I nodded my head in agreement. 

Russia- "Are you no longer mad at my father?" 

Y/N- "I am still not happy with him, but I do feel better if that is what you are asking."

 "That's good to he-" (RING, RING)

 Y/N- "Hello...I see...I have been working on them yes...Thay do not have the right to do that...In the woods...He can go fuck off...Fine, I will call him." (Click) 

America- "What was that?"

 Y/N- "Ben, Sebastian showed up and demanded that Thay hand over the company to him." 

"That's not how it works...Right?"

 Y/N- "Not typically but if he gets a piece of evidence that would help him get it then it would be his...Sadly." This seems bad. 

Russia- "So what are you going to do?"

 Y/N- "Well I need to call him even though I hate it, but I need to know why he wants to do this." After that, it stayed quiet until we got to the house. We opened the door to something that's going to seat Y/N off. 

Soviet- "You cannot play in the house like that. You two broke something, so now what are yoooo-" Soviet looks up at us and sees Y/N standing there. 

Y/N- "Soviet. My office NOW." He shakes his head and follows Y/N. Well, we tried to help him it is his Falt. 

Russia- "He is not going to live throw that meeting, is he?" 

America- "Fat chance. Haha." Why do they make everything so much worse?

-Soviets Pov

Y/N got home and saw me disciplining the twins; he did not take that well. So, now I am walking up to his office waiting for my penalty. 

Y/N- "What made you think that was a good idea?"

 "Witch one?"

 "Let's start with the twins."

 "Thay brook one of your pitcher frames."

 "So, is that why you wear disciplining them?"

 "Yes." I look down at my feet feeling slightly defeated. 

"Rich please stop stalking and get in here." he was listening?! Just like that he opened the window and jumped inside. 

Rich- "I am quite shocked you noticed."

 Y/N- "I saw your armband out of the corner of my eye." 

Rich- "I see." He walks over to Y/N and puts his hands on his shoulders.

 Y/N- "Now I know why you wear disciplining the twins for a good reason why did you yell?" Rich looks at me also expecting an answer from me knowing what it is.

 "I... I have always done that when someone doesn't listen to me."

 Y/N- "So, no reason." 

"That's no-."

 Rich- "Agreed, he yelled for no reason." I want to whip that shit-eating grin off his face. 

"I...But...Fine." I get up and walk to the door. 

Y/N- "But." I stopped and looked at him.

 Y/N- "I also had no reason to do what I did as well." That makes me feel better. He gets up and walks to me with a gentle smile on his face.

Y/N- "I forgive you, but do you forgive me?" 

"Of course, Y/N." 

Y/N- "Good...Get out of my chair Rich." We both turn around to see rich in Y/N's chair and are going throw his draws. 

Rich- "I am not in your chair." He closes the draws and faces us. 

Y/N- "you're free to go Soviet. I have to deal with him now."

 "Call if you need any help." And with that, I walked downstairs with everyone else.

-Third Rich Pov

Soviet just walked out of the room leaving me and Y/N alone. He walks to me and stands right in front of me. 

"Get out of my chair."

 "Hmmm, Make me." He is not happy with my answer. He goes to grab my arm, but I grab his first and pull him onto my lap. He was shocked by my actions, to say the least.

 "Wh-what are you doing?"

 "I fingered since you want this chair and I'm in it I fingered I just let you sit in my lap." His face was starting to turn red just like I thought. I move one hand to rest on his hip and the other to play with his H/L, H/C hair. 


 "Ja Liebling." His eyes widened at the name I gave him.

 "Please let go."

 "Begging, are we?" 


 "Fine if you insist." I let go of him and walked out the door with Y/N being very flustered. 

"If you ever need me to comfort you in any way, please call me Liebling." I winked at him and walked downstairs with everyone else.

(981 word, I will be posting once a week again unless something changes but did you like it? Rich is winning in this game of love in my opinion, anyways Bye- Bye my lovely's.)

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