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"What do you mean, keep my filthy hands off your brother?"

Guk rolled his eyes.

My business partner, and college bestie leaned back on the edge of his desk, his arms casually folded over his chest.

His dark gray Hugo Boss suit was just like the interior of his office stylish and totally no-nonsense.

"Don't give me that, Jimin," he scoffed.

"You haven't stuck around for a second date since kai took you to homecoming freshman year."

"If my brother is going to stay in the spare room, I can't have you breaking his heart."

I licked the back of my teeth. "You're saying your brother is going to have a crush on me?"

"I understand how that could happen, I'm pretty irresistible."

I dodged the balled-up paper guk sent flying my way. "Keep telling yourself that. At least the clients enjoy your cocky attitude."

"I'm cocky? You're the one who assumes I'll try to hook up with your identical twin brother."

I squint and tilt my head to the side. "Maybe if you got a new haircut and gained a few pounds..."

I dodged another crumpled paper. At this rate, he was going to pummel me with the entire quarterly finance report.

"We both know you would hit me up if we were strangers," he grumbled, then stood.

"All I'm saying is that Jungkook isn't so good at keeping his feelings under control."

"You might be capable of endless random hookups, but he falls in love with every adult human who gives him the time of day."

"He gives himself away, totally loses himself, and ends up hurt on the other end." He rubbed his hand across his forehead.

"He's had a hard time, and he's coming to home to get his life together. So just do me a favor make it easy for us all, okay?"

I stood and straightened my suit jacket. "Whatever it takes to keep this glorious partnership flourishing,"I offered with a wink.

Turning to walk out, I paused at the door and glanced at my hands. "You really think these are filthy?"

Guk laughed."You want to review all the places those hands have been the past few months?"

"The past few months? I'm not sure my memory is that good."

It's not like Guk was judging me for sleeping around.

Hell, if he had a problem with it, we would have parted ways when I started bringing random guys back to our college apartment.

When it came to my sex life, I liked to be pragmatic.

Guk and I had big plans for our public relations firm, and from my first PR class ten years ago on, I'd been laser-focused on that success.

Relationships and love weren't my style, and I hardly had time to fit more than a casual drink with friends into my busy schedule as it was.

If I needed a reminder of how distracting love could be, I just had to look around the firm.

Our clients offered an endless parade of sex scandals and extremely poor decision-making skills, most spurred by their hearts.

Or some other choice body parts.

I strolled across the office, an open warehouse space Guk and I had converted in downtown.

We only had ten fulltime employees, but the office was busy and active.

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