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Guk and I stood across from each other in the meeting room, a long table stretching between us.

One of our clients had a gala fundraiser the next weekend and we each needed to sign off on the plan but work wasn't exactly coming easily.

"I feel like I can't believe a word you say." Guk said, his jaw clenched.

Beyond the glass walls of the room, our employees hurried back and forth.

I squeezed the back of the chair I was leaning on. "I've never lied to you before." I said as evenly as I could.

Guk grunted.

He pushed a few printouts around on the table and shook his head. "Yeah but you lied about this." he said flatly.

I felt like a pile of shit dressed up in a fancy suit, I'd hurt my best friend.

Usually, working together at the office was like a dream come true but now I'd gone and ruined that too and every time we were in the same room, it went like this.

He shoved the paper aside and stood to full height. "I just thought Jungkook was doing so good." he said. "Do you get that? I was proud of him and you two treated me like I'm a fool."

"Hey." I objected. "First, you know I don't think you're a fool."

"I'm a fucking fool, You're the one with your head on straight."

"Second, Jungkook was doing good. Very good, in fact."

I was surprised at how animated I felt after acting sheepish and apologetic all day but I needed to make sure he understood that Jungkook had actually worked hard and changed some of his patterns.

"He's going to school, and you know he's looking for his own place and this whole time, he acted totally chill with me, I swear. He never tried to do anything irrational or obsessive."

"You don't know him, The second you two are over, he'll start this up with someone else and drop out of school and he'll be back to square one."

"He will not." I objected again, as upset by his lack of faith in him as I was by his implication that things would end between us.

Guk winced and glared at me.

"What, are you mad now?"

"Are you angry at me for this?"


I bit my tongue, Mad wasn't the word but I was frustrated.

It wasn't fair of me and I knew he deserved time to process but I wanted him to see the truth of what was going on.

It wasn't only different for his brother this time but it was different for me too and I wanted my best friend to acknowledge that.

I'd never fallen for anyone before and if he would stop and think for a minute, he might realize what a big deal this actually was.

The door opened and before I could muster a response, our clients entered.

The pained looks vanished from our faces and Guk and I both stepped into work mode.

I chatted the clients up while he offered the occasional insight from our market research or long-term strategy and I kept an easy, natural smile on my face the whole time, despite the pain still tearing at my insides.

When the meeting ended, Guk hurried away without giving me a chance to talk. I wandered back to my office, depressed.

It was too early for a drink but I wanted one, which only threw my memories back to my first hookup with Jungkook, late that night in the office.

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