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Eunjin POV

"Hello, Ms Kang, please come in and let's get started shall we?" I had my next wedding planner appointment with Yoongi. I comfortably sat on the chair, nodding.

For the next hour we still continued with the basics of the wedding as I showed him the paperwork I completed that he handed me last appointment.

"Thank you, this is lovely and organized, do you do business work at all?" He asks flipping through it all.

"Not much, I work as photographer, but one of my best friends is a secretary she helped me a bit through these two weeks." I answer observing his reaction to the documents.

He approves of the papers, keeping out the guest list I made so far. Putting the rest in a folder that has my name on the top.

"So I am guessing these are most of your guests?" He says as he is typing on the computer going back and forth from the paper to the screen.

"Yes, but I think I will add possibly 30 more guests." The mint haired man points his eyes to me in a glance through his glasses, wanting a bit more explanation. I did have about 150 guest on that list, I think?

"My fiancé, Sungho, his family is huge. As his parents are quite popular around and well off. His guest list is twice as mine. Of course, I didn't marry him for that!" I defended.

"It's alright, Ms Kang, every couple is different. I just needed an estimate to have better venue option for you. I suppose you aren't the same?" He questions continuing to type.

I twidle with my fingers, I think it's fine to give some insight, "It's mostly my dad and I, mom passed away when I was finishing up middle school. When my dad remarried, I was out in college so I didn't get a chance to know my step mom. Even my step siblings since we were similar in ages we were constantly in school."

"I am sorry for your loss, it must have been hard," He gives an empathetic smile as he was saying that then turning back to type.

"I mean I was fine, learned to be independent. Even with family reunions, my step family wasn't mean to me at all. They treated me like family. Although in the beginning I wasn't accepting it then."

"That's good, how many siblings?" He keeps up the conversation which I appreciated.

"One older sister and one younger brother, Kang Taeyeon, and Kang Taehyun." I pulled out my phone to show a picture of the three of us.

He pulls away for a moment to glance at the photo smiling at it, "You all look wonderful and happy. Seems like Tae is common from your step mother."

I laugh a bit putting my phone away, "You could say that, her name is Kang Taerin." He gives a 'I knew it face' as we both laugh together.

There was a moment of comfortable silence, the only sound coming from the keyboard.

"What about you?" I felt like I talked about myself too much, not thinking about to ask about him.

He hums slightly thinking before opening his mouth, "I mostly grew up in foster care, abusive mother, dad left when I was young which triggered her to become as so." He breathes deeply, "Don't pity me too much, because with time I am here, and I love my job."

I nod smiling, "Were you an only child?" I asked not wanting to press anything further in that conversation.

"I thought I was, although soon I found out I have a older brother, who was in the same situation as me coincidently."

My eyes widen, "How so? Do you mind me asking." He shakes his head glancing down a moment remembering the story. Now only talking to me, not typing on the keyboard anymore.

"It's fine I'll tell you, it is funny after all I do enjoy saying this to clients. Apparently he was taken by our father who ended up to be abusive as well. Which he ended up in foster care as well. So one day I was in the hospital for a broken shoulder after a car crash. And little did I know that he had a similar case. Fortunately the doctors switched us up since almost everything was the same and small differences in our DNA."

"Wow, that's crazy fate has weird ways of working out." I was surprised.

He shrugs continuing the story, "So they almost performed the wrong surgery, until they realized the difference. Starting to question us, realizing that we were brothers. Later the doctors roll him in my room and we meet, doctors explaining everything. Us completely speechless but also emotional. Now we are close family."

"That's amazing, I'm happy for the both of you having a happy ending after trauma." I say after intently hearing his backstory, gaining more respect for the man.

"That goes into my job, I want everyone to have their happy ending."

"I'm sure every client of yours appreciates that."

"I do my best, Ms Kang," He glances at his watch, standing up, "Appreciate the talk although we shall continue this next week." I stand, thanking him as we walk to the door.

"No need to thank me Ms Kang, you are a wonderful person to work with." He simply says, I blink then blush slightly at the compliment.

"Your compliment is greatly received, Yoongi." I smile snapping out of my trance. As I walk out the door.

Yoongi POV

I agree with my statement when I say she was a wonderful person. Especially with the fact she is doing this on her own. I won't pry into the love life yet although I do hope to meet him one day.

I sigh going back to my desk leaning on the leather chair, her appointments now all scheduled before my break.

I took out her folder for another glance at her inspiration ideas. Her vision is so precise it kinda warms my heart. I sigh throwing the folder on my desk, rubbing my face. I need a break soon.

I dial a number, it rings a couple of times before I hear a bright cheerful voice come on greeting me.

"Yoongi! What's up, you doing good?" My best friend asks me.

"Hoseok, you doing anything tonight?" I was hoping to de-stress at his place. He's been my best buddy since college, knows me from the inside out. It was kinda weird because our personalities are so different.

"I just have to babysit my niece Boram, my sister and her husband are having their monthly date night, if that's fine?"

"I don't mind I love Boram, she's the cutest, I'll come over then and help out." I notify the time and he acknowledges then hangs up.


So we'll see how this goes sorry if it might be going to fast?

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