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Eunjin POV

As the wedding moved along, I was beginning to question my worth. I want to stay with Sungho, I do, but will anything change?

"Miss Kang? Are you there?" I hear Yoongi's voice over the phone as I saw Sungho in the kitchen eating. I blink for a moment before coming back to the present.

"Yeah, I'm here, what did you say?" I gulp looking down at my scattered journals for the wedding. I glance at my fiance again before going back to the papers. I'm fine.

"We were on booking the vendors?" I forgot I couldn't see my wedding planner this week because he had an emergency at an out of city wedding. So we discussed a brief call about the vendors present and he'd send the information to Mrs Kim.

"Right, right," I shake my head, "I told you already the the vendors?" I was unsure what I said, I forgot my train of thought.

"Yes, you did, I was just confirming and making sure that was all you wanted?" I go over that part in my journal. I remember going to Joshua for help since he is more of a food critic.

"Sorry, I recall now," I talk to Yoongi for another 30 minutes before I cut the call. I sigh going back to my journaling. From the corner of my eye Sungho comes to look behind me and my work.

He picks up one of the journal, "What's this book for?" Usually I wouldn't care although this time I felt cautious and lightly grabbed it out of his hands.

"It's the guest list and the work in progress seating chart." I hold it close to my chest, protective. It wasn't until he nodded and walked away where I set it down on the coffee table.

I calm down my heavy breathing before I clean everything up to go out with Jimin and Joshua. We planned to ice skate since it was coming to Christmas/Winter season.

"I'm going out with Jimin and Josh for a couple hours. I'll be back." I yell as I put on my winter coat. I see his head poke out from the doorway I chuckle.

"Alright, be safe." He pecks my forehead quickly and I take my leave.

"Get in the car, Eun." They roll up playing Hot by Twice.


"Who?!" Josh and I freak out with the news of Jimin's current talking stage with a girl. Jimin was skating backwards calmly, Josh and I following him.

"I'll tell you more about it another time when I get to know her more, I promise." He does a stupid in love smile and I feel Jimin and I roll our eyes.

We keep doing laps around the rink.

I lost my footing and was about to fall ready to accept my fate but, "Come on, Eun." Jimin caught me by my arm, I thank him, "I'm always here to pick you up." He shakes his head.

"Jimin fling me to Josh." This idiot was obviously confused.

"Twirl me then let go." I took his hand and the realization hits him. He spins me and let's go with a velocity to catch up to Joshua.

"Hey," I fly past him, "Jeez Eunjin, you scared me." I shrug but try to slow down to skate side by side.

"So did you pick any of the food vendors I recommended?"

"I did, I appreciate it. The process was quick since I knew what I wanted." He gives a thumbs up, "How are you and Sungho?"

I take a moment to think about my answer. I have been on the fence lately about his attitude.

"We are," pause, "..fine," I give a small forced smile. Honestly I didn't want to think about it because I'd rather be in the present with them. These guys have been giving me an actual smile.

"I'll take your word for it," This tall guy ruffles my hair.

"I did my hair for this." I whine but then he continues to mess with it more. I give him a 'bruh' look.


"I'm home." I said and silence. I was running with curiosity as I scan the whole apartment and find out Sungho wasn't home. Where could he have went? I glance at the clock which said 11:17pm.

I don't want to think about this now, he'll come home when he comes home. He wouldn't, right? I sigh as my overthinking is getting the best of me while changing for bed.

"Where are u? u never said u were going out?" I text him when I settle in bed. I scroll through Instagram hoping he'd reply before I felt sleepy.

I slept, in the distance I did hear a ring but couldn't think much of it.

Third POV

Eunjin's eyes slowly closes, her phone rings, not the text expected, in fact one sentence that was a fiance's nightmare.

"Who are you?"


oh shizz

Boring chapter I sorrie ;-;


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