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Hugo: I need the password to dad's computer...

Delphi: Try: I_Love_Hermione_And_Hugo_Is_An_Annoying_Little_Brat_Sometimes!

Hugo: WOAH!!!!!!!!!! That was his password!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose: Genius!

Albus: Me and Scorpius need the password to Draco's computer, so we can post embarrassing stuff on his Instagram account!

Delphi: Try: FatherWillHearAboutTheFerretThatStoleMyBrekfastCereal.

Scorpius: It worked!!!!!!!!!

Albus: Time to post stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose: I guess Delphi knows her passwords...

Helena: Can someone tell me my mom's password?

Delphi: Try: NarglesAreRealAndSoAreCrumpleHornedSnorkacks

Helena: It worked!

Rose: Can you tell us ALL the passwords?

Delphi: Sure! Harry's is: TheRedSnitchThatCrossedTheGreenSeaWithTheGoldenQuaffle, Hermione's is: BooksAreTheCenterOfTheUniverseAndAnyoneThatSaysDifferentWillDieAPainfulDeath,

Neville's is: WhereHasTrevorGoneMyGran'sGonnaKillMe, and Ginny's is: TheLittleHarryCrossedTheBigDesertWith20Nargles.

Lorcan: Wow.

Lily: You either spy on people, or you are an excellent guesser.

Levi: What are your parent's passwords?

Delphi: My dad's password is: TheWorldWillSoonBeMineAndNoStupidHarryPotterWillBeAbleToStopMeFromRulingTheWorld.

Rose: And what about your mom's password?

Delphi: I.... haven't been able to work that one out yet...

Albus: ...........................

Scorpius: You know everyone's password EXCEPT your mom's?

Delphi: um.....

Rose: I know her password!

Delphi: Really??? What is it?

Rose: It is: InTheMirrorOfErisedISeeMyselfAndMyMasterBecauseILoveHimSoMuch.

Delphi: Wow. 

Rose: Yep.

Lysander: How long did it take you to guess that???

Rose: 2 minutes...

Scorpius: Whatever. Let's post stuff on our parents' Instagram accounts!!!!!!

Delphi: No thanks.

Albus: Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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