Ch 2 First day, first dead

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Kid pov

I open my eye to expect the feel of being controlled but I don't. I try walking around but keep not feeling it. What the heck going on I yell. I started to panic my breathing was getting fast and by heart beating quicker my the minute. Thoughts started to runs around in my mind. Is the time loops over? Will it stay that way? Is this a game glitch?Am I in the game? My heart beat and breathe got fast and fast with each idea rush in. Did my wish come true? What the cost for this? Did they make a third game and I don't make it in? Did they cut off the game for good? What is happening?

Ok kid calm down just good to school and talk to Nugget maybe he know, I said to my self. I took some deep breath and look at the shelf, guess I not doing the last mission after all. I start to get ready for the day but a idea came to me as I was taking a smoke. If I die will I stay dead. That thought stay with me as I walk to school.


I park my car in the parking lot the kids where all in the front outdoor area as well as the principal. I walk over to the principal  many of kid seen ok but my gut was telling me other wise. "Hello there Mrs. Y/ N nice to see, now normal I would give something special but it seen I run out so I give it to you later". The principal was a blonde white woman with brown eyes. "Hello my name Dr Danner, I the science teacher here". He was African American had dark brown hair, a pair of glasses and a lab coat. I gave him a hand shake, "Nice to meet". I turn around to look at kids, I don't see why my brother was so worry.

My happy mood did change has a boy with a bit tan skin with a stripe blue shirt and brown hair came rushing in to talk to some other boy who had a red and yellow shirt with blonde hair. He look very worried and scared causing me to worry. The two chat about something but I couldn't hear at once point the stripe kid look at me before going back to chat.

Kid pov

"What Nugget friend is say can't be true" said a worry Nugget. "I telling you Nugget, and between me, you, Lily and Billy, your the one to believe the most". "But what will happen to Nugget friend, Nugget don't want you be hurt". "I don't know Nugget". I look at the new lady. "Who is she".

"Nugget think she a new teach after all, mean old teacher lady is not here". I look around he was right Mrs. Applegate was no where to be find. "Well if she is replacing her, I don't trust her, she could just be worst then Mrs. Applegate". "Nugget think Nugget friend is jumping to conclusions, after all we don't know new teacher". "True but think of this, who hire her". "Her boss" Nugget answered. "Who her boss" I ask. "The principal". "Now if the principal is in charge of that, tell my is the principal nice or bad". His face turn to a o"O Nugget see what Nugget friend see now". "Good now, we better put are guard up, this is going to be a long day".


I was at my desk when three kids enter in first. One was a red hair with a shirt like the worry boy from early, one was wear black with grey hair, one of a blonde hair girl in a pink dress. "Hi I your new teacher" I cheerful smile. "Well look like we finally scared Mrs. Applegate" said the grey hair kid. "It probably because of you Buggs" insulted the blonde girl. "What that mean Cindy" said Buggs, who face turn to a anger experience. "I mean if I were Mrs Applegate, I would run at the sign of you", she continued to insult him. "That it you ask for it" he yell and took out a KIFE.

I run up to the two and pull the kife out of Buggs hands. "Ok that a enough, you two both get study hall and don't get to play or talk for the rest of the day" I yell at the two. "I knew you new kids would cause trouble" said the red head. "Quiet Ozzy no one even like you" yell Cindy. "Ok everyone please just sit at your desk" I ask of them. In which they did.

"God this day is turning crazy and we haven't start class". "Are you the new teacher" said a boy in a red shirt and blue tie. "O yea I am, nice to meet you" I said trying to keep a fake calm face. Well my name Ted". "Nice meeting you Ted". He took a seat, the two boys from earlier came in. The blonde one look happy to see me but the burnett look like me emotionless. "Nugget would like to welcome the new teacher". "Thank Nugget". He give me a hug on the leg then when to take a sit.

I bend down to the burnett to get a better look. "Hi I Mrs. Y/ N, I your new teacher what your name" I said in nice voice. The kid look at me like annoyed and went to sit by Nugget. That not normal as I thought as I walk over to my desk.

Kid pov

I don't like how Mrs Y/N was acting nice to me. She was probably only doing that to get my trust so that way she can backstabbing me probably literally and figuratively speaking. Soon everyone ( expect Buggs and Cindy) started to play. I however had other things on my mind, so I meanly just listen to Nugget talk. I soon tried and just when to think at my table about to do with all of this all. Nugget shortly run off to play.

Lunch soon came and today for lunch was nuggets so you can imagine the feeling Nugget had.

Nugget Pov

When Nugget heard it was nugget day. Nugget felt very happy now Nugget was a step closer to remaking the nugget cave. All Nugget needs is a shovel, luckily for Nugget, Carla will give Nugget the shovel. Now Nugget plan will work.

Y/N Pov

I decided to get some work and was busyness work when I got a call from my brother. "Hey sister how the kids". "There ok but some of them are a bit crazy". "See I told you". "O please it just my first day". "So who here is your most interested kid". "Well there all interesting but I have to say there this Nugget kid who very sweet and his friend is the most interesting". Suddenly some noise came from the vents, I couldn't tell what it was so I push it off. "Hey I got to go it time for me to go and watch the kids at recess". "Ok see you later". I got up from chair and went off to join the kids.

Kid pov

"Hey Nugget you almost done". Nugget and I were at the sand pit at recess, he was digging a way. "Nugget is almost done, soon Nugget and Nugget friend will be able to enter the new nugget crave". "Can't wait for that" I smile with a grim. "Nugget is also looking forward for Nugget and Nugget friend plan to work" he smiled. I called out Mrs Y/N. "What you boy call me for". "This" I answer.

As I push her down the hole, she kept falling with only the sound of her screaming.

A/N Well here that for a cliffhanger. Next chapter soon.

* Discontinued series* The Last Apple. A kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now