Ch 38 Party time

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Kid Pov
I woke up to the sound of rain, and thunder. Out my window to see it was raining cats, and dogs. When suddenly, boo goes the thunder. " I hope this doesn't stay Phoebe. If it doe's, it's going to make talking to Angnes a lot harder." Downstair I found Jasper watching the news. Last night I made him promise to not tell Y/N about the hold mom thing. So far, he was keeping his word. " Morning buddy, question, what are your indoor recesses like at your school?" " Indoor recess? I never had indoor recess before at school. Why you ask?" " The news said that it was going to be storming all day" said Y/N. Who was making breakfast. I slap face. " Well that just made my plans for today harder." " Oh, and we also need go earlier then normal if we don't want to deal with traffic. So eat up."


Water droplets were increasing by the second. The hail continued to hit the floor, as well as my head. With each hail, giving me minor hits. Mia, and Stacy were jumping around in the puddle. To my surprised, Penny joined. The three of them kept splashing around. With there shoe and socks probably flooding with water by now. Ozzy on the other hand, was the opposite. He standing under the tree trying. Acting like that would actually help. He was a bight yellow jacket with a matching pair of the highest rain boot ever. Shivering him as the wind huff. The wind itself made the trees elegant dance. As if, they were putting on a show. For the hold world to see. I was watching the show it till, a familiar blonde pigtails entered the school area.

Cindy was wearing a raincoat that was the same color was her mission outfit. With a lighter shade of pink boots. She seemed sour with the fact that we had to wait outside. As she stomp on in. I got up from the stairs and followed. " I can't believe, we have to wait in the rain" she whined. " Hey Cindy can we talk." " O it's you, what is it ex boyfriend?" " I was wondering if you would do a favor for us." " Who exactly is US by the way" Dan it, why did I say us. " My friends." " In that case, no way." She cross her arms. " Why in the world would I help you guys?" " Well my mom did help you remember. So you own me a favor." She thought about it for a min." Sorry ex boyfriend, but that's doesn't work. I only own her, not you. Nice try, but your going to have to try something else to win my attention" she smirked. " Well your lost, I was planing on giving you a cat today if had agreed" I said. As I pretend to walk away. She immediately run to me. " A cat really! I want a cat! I do whatever you say!" She said in excitement. See easy as pie, or was it cake. I told her what she needed to do. " O that should be easy to do with my charm." She proceeded to batted her eyes at me. Fortunately the bell rung.
Entering in I found a heartbroken looking Monty, and dead scared Buggs. Mom went over to talk to Buggs, so I went over Monty. He was working on the chemicals weapons. I don't know why he wasn't working upstairs do. You think a job like that would be done upstairs in the lab. " Hey-" " Sorry Kid, shop close. But don't worry, you guys will still get the weapons. I should be done by the end of the day" he said bitterly." Why is your shop close today, and are you ok?" " I fine Kid, I just want to focus on finishing this." " Then why are you, and not in the science lab?" He looked over to Carla, who was talking to Lily. Just looking at her made him cry. That he almost drop one of the chemical on the ground. If it hadn't been for me grabbing it. " I guessing Carla told you that's she moving." He continued to cry, but nodded.

"You know, my friends and I are tossing a goodbye party for her. If you want, you could join us." " Wait really." " Sure why not, your are friend after all." " Wait you guys see me as a friend." " Sure we do." " I never had a friend before." " Well now you do." The bell rung, and I grabbed the cupcakes.

Walking over was suddenly stop by Mia, and Stacy . " Ok Kid slip" said Mia. " Slip what?" " Don't act dumb with us. We know something up" said Stacy. God, where a hall monitor when you need it. " I don't know what you guys are talking about" I bit my lip. " Not up to something, if that was really the case. Then would you please explain to us about all the suspicious activity you been doing." " Like what." " Well for starters, why were you sneaking out that night? Why did you save us from not getting sent to the principal? How  are you always the first here, and the last? What's with you, and Mrs. Y/N? Why was Monty crying when you two were talking? What's with the cupcake box?" Intimate Mia. " Look I own going to answer the last four. Mrs Y/N my mom - well legally she my foster mom. As for Monty, I was helping with his heartbreak. The cupcakes are for a goodbye party for Carla. There you happy." " Mrs Y/N your mom" they said in shock, and looked at each other. Before they could ask me more. I dash off to the cafeteria.

I got myself a salad, and join my friends. The table now had Monty, and Carla added. " Nugget friend is now here with Nugget. What took Nugget friend so long?" " Sorry, I got stop my the cop twins." " Is Nugget friend alright, if not. Nugget is more then happy to poison them." " Umm, I don't think we need to do that." " Oh ok, but what did the bad twin cops do to poor Nugget friend then." I place the cupcakes on the table. " They were interrogating me in the halls." " What did they ask you" said Lily. I told them what happened. " You think there going to tell the principal" said Carla. " I don't think so, the information they got isn't all that important" said Monty. Billy opened the cupcake box. " Whatever the case is, can we please start eat these cupcakes." Lily rolled her eyes. We each grab a cupcake.

" Before we start eating, I like to say a few words to Carla." " You guys don't need to do that, what you guys given me is enough." " Well I doing it anyway." I cleared my throat, and continue on. " Carla at the bottom of all are hearts. We will all dearly miss you. No one at this school could possibly replace the impact you had will all of us. We wish you the best for your next school and to where ever the future takes you." We each lifted are cupcakes in the air. " To Carla" I cheer. " To Carla."

The party was going great. All of us were cheering, and laughter. That was until. " Margaret, would you be a dear, and please send Monty up to my office" said the loud speaker. " Yes sister." We stopped cheering, and laughing. Instead we just, looked at Monty. All of us thinking the same thing, and worrying the same thing.

Was are party, going to say goodbye to more then Carla?

Kid: Well that just made cliffhanger number- umm, I have no idea.
A/N: To be honest kid, I don't know
Kid: umm interesting
A/N: I think you guys can pretty much guess what's happening next. I don't really have any else to say.
Kid: I do, for every time there a cliffhanger. Take a shot of whatever drink you have.
A/N: * Gots a bunch of coda cans * I hope you guys have enjoying this new schedule of my. See guys on Thursday.
Kid: bye

* Discontinued series* The Last Apple. A kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now