Ch 16 The start of a new beginning

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Note this chapter has suicide thoughts.
Kid Pov
Today was the day my life about to change forever. Me and Mrs Y/N are going to finally sign the papers, making me a foster kid and her a foster mom. I was doing some later minute plan in the living room. When I realized that I was missing the Bob cutout. No problem, I just make one real quickly. Unfortunately for me, he came.

" Hello there Kid, today a very important day for you is it not" said my demon. I don't say a word and continue to work on the cutout. " Why so quiet today? Your normal very talkative to me, like how you were back on the highway" he wine. I continue to work. " Listen I know you hate me for some reason. But I just trying to help you. And personal if you ask me, you definitely need it today." I grab the scissors and started to cut out the cutout. " I just don't want you feel heartbroken once they betrayed you. I mean sure, they seen like nice people but they are only doing this just to be nice." I started to cut faster.

" Also there a little deal I been wanting to ask you. Remember how you for some reason agreed with the angel. Well I came up with a compromise, for everyday you give your self a small cut on your arm. After all, who would love murderer" he finish off. I cut the paper even faster now. " Listen up demon, I now in the mood to..... OW..OW....OW." I look down at my hand to see that one of my fingers had a cut. I started to cry from pain and with that the demon left.

Mrs Y/N
I was packing my bag in my room for are outings. When I heard Adam crying downstairs, I rush down to check on him. I looked at Adam and saw that his finger had a cut in it. I hurry to the kitchen to get the first aid. Once I finish fixing his cuts, he started to calm down. " Please be more careful next time Adam" I looked over to clock, it was time for us to go.

Adam started to curly his body together ( probably thinking the same thing as me). I needed to find a compromise that when the idea hit me. " How about this, after we get those papers. Let go buy you a costume and a few decorations for Halloween." He started to smile and with that are we were off.
( One papers signed later)
We were now in the shop looking for a costume when Adam spot something he like. It was a Peter Pan costume, he checked to see if there was one his size. There was and put it in the cart, " So Peter Pan" I said? "It was my favorite Disney movie growing up." He also put a Bat man costume. " What that for?" He whisper his idea to me. I smile in agreement.

We looked around the adult costume section and found a witch costume for me. We also found a costume for Jasper, " You think we should try to get Jasper to wear." With a big smirk he nodded yes, I add the costume in.

Next was the Halloween craft area. I saw a bag of white plastic pumpkins, which the kids can us to paint on. I put the pumpkins and some paint with paint brushes in to cart. As we finish checking out, I saw they add a photo booth. " You wanted to go in" I told him. Adam said yes and in we when. After a few minutes of silly faces we got in the car and drive home.

Kid Pov
I look at the photos in my hand and tape them on my wall. " Hey Adam you wanted to help me put up the Halloween stuff up" call out Mrs Y/N. I rush down to the living room where a box of Halloween decorations lay on the couch. " Ok with Jasper at work. It going to be up to you me to do this." I nodded and we got to work.

After a few minutes of work, Jasper was home with few bags in handed. " Hey I back from work." " There you are, what took so long." " I had to get some grocery. O and Adam, I got you a few gifts." " You did." "Well there was a lot to celebrate for you. So thought why not get you something nice." Once the grocery were all done, Jasper set down three wrapped gifts on the dining table. " Well open them." He said. I started to open the first one, it was a Don't Wake Up Daddy game. " That was for fighting the monster." Smile a pound Jasper.

I open the second one, it was box of LEGO in the shape of a school. " For stopping to smoke." " I forget about that." I open the last one, it was a stuffed black and white tuxedo cat. I hug the cat in my arm and look at my gifts. " Thanks, you don't have to do this." " No problem kid. That one was for you being here and not killing yourself." I paused and looked at the cat."Well thanks." I took all the toy to my room and started to play.

But the ideas of what the Demon said earlier and what the cat means kept in my mind for the rest of the day.

A/N You and Kid are now legal foster mom and son. As for why you buy the Bat man costume. Don't worry, that will be explained in ch 29.

* Discontinued series* The Last Apple. A kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now