Ch 10 Voices in my head

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This will talk about running away and suicide attempt . Please if your under 13 don't read this. But sometimes tell me your not going to listen.
Kid Pov
All the other kids seen happy to be able to go home but me. I know that Jasper and Mrs Y/N would want to talk to my parents about my panic attack and smoking problems. But send I don't have one. I going to need a plan to run away to the city NOW. I took my plan paper from my cubby and got to work on a new plan. Few minutes later I had a it. My plan was that once the adults are busy with one of the parents. I will sneak out and run away.

Mrs Y/N
With the kids now being able to leave, I first knew I had to deal with the two elephants in the rooms. One telling Cindy parents about her punishment and she did. And two make sure Kid doesn't try to get his way out of us not speaking with his parents. " Hey Jasper can you please keep a eye on kids please when I talk with the parents" " Sure sis." First group of parent to come in, look like to be Carla mom, Lily and Billy mom and Cindy dad. I when up to them as well as there kids.

" Hello I, Mrs Y/N, is there anything you like to ask me." Carla mom was the first one to ask " So your the new teacher". Carla jump in " I like her mommy, she cool and nice". Both Carla mom and I smile. " O by the Cindy dad there something you should know." I told both Cindy dad and Lily mom about Cindy trying to kill Lily.

" Your child try to kill my daughter" Lily and Billy mom rage at Cindy dad. " I sorry that she did that" he spoke. But that just made things worst for her. " Did you really thinking that sorry was going to cut it, no. Your daughter could of kill my child and all you have to say is sorry. I going to seriously sue you". Cindy dad soon turn anger as well. " Well your son isn't all good to. He hurt my child as well. So maybe I should sue you." Both were in the heat of this argument. " Well he only did that so that way he could save a kid. Which you kid try to kill."

Ok better jump in. " Guys let try to be some what civil. We are adults in a room with kindergartens." Both stop there arguments and started to listen. " Now sense I haven't talk about Cindy punishment at school would be like with her parents or the other party. I believe it would be best we have this talk tomorrow on Saturday at 10 am." Both agreed with now Cindy dad and Cindy gone.

" Where Kid" ask a worry Billy. I look around to see Kid, no where. I ask Jasper where he was but he had no clue. " I just turn my back for one second". " Did you think he left without a adult" I ask. " Come on Lily let check the vents". Billy and Lily rush up to the vent, leaving there worry mom trying to call them back down. The kids got worry with Nugget acting the most worry. " Do you kids have a idea where he is"I ask. All the kids but Nugget answered no. " Nugget knows where friend is going". He said with a bit of guilt. He told us about Kid plan to runaway. Carla mom, who turn out to be a cop started to call for back up.

Kid Pov
I was running home, I needed something's from there on my run. As I kept putting things in my bag. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I had too. I a killer and don't deserve to live. I should be in dead. No one would loves me and if they do they would hurt me. Or worst I hurt my love ones by killing them. My hands are cover in red and this is the only way to fix this. My mind kept saying and repeating those thoughts with chanting run, run, run in the background. I started to have a panic attack as my heart and breathing also got fast and faster. As well as my stomach tossing and turning making it harder. Even with the feeling that the world is falling, I had to push on. Few minutes in my run, the sound of police cars came in the background. A new voice came telling me to follow the cops. I push it a side and let the other voice lead me.

I had made it to the bus stop but paused. If I go on that bus, the cop could stop that bus and take me back or the bus driver would not let me on. No I couldn't let that happen, I would have to go on foot. The voice to run away got stronger with the new voice as well. My head started to hurt with the voice's fighting back with each other. I was now on the highway. I look down below to see traffic. If I fell I could die. I wouldn't do that of course.... right.

The voices stop and change to something else to argue about. The running voice when me to jump and the new voice wanted me not jump. "If you jump no one will miss you and you won't have to worry about hurting anyone." Said my running voice. " Jump now jump before it too later jump". " No go back go" said the other voice. " No I need to stick with the plan" I said to them both.

" But what if you get caught, your going to be in so much trouble? What if your parents see the news, they might come back to hurt you? What if you get put in to the system? What will everyone at school think of you? Jumping down will save you from that pain." The voice change to my demon and repeating it all over again. The other voice change to my angel.

I look down again and was about to jump off. When me angel voice said something that stop me "Are you really going to waste your chance?" I listen to the voice " You have FINALLY been given the chance at a better life. Remember that first winter without your parents. You were out of food and no way to get more without getting caught. You couldn't get some food for 5 days. You were thinking of giving up your life but didn't. You were able to push though as you felt there a chance for a better life. You were thinking of killing your self after that first time loops mission was done but you didn't because you hope that you would be able to set free.

Which you did. So why given up that chance, because in my eyes you just have been given chances at life again. So are you going to jump or are you going to try at life again" The angel voice finish off. I down again and run back home. " What are you going run away or better yet kill your self" yell my demon. " Sorry Demon, I got a lot of my life to live" I yell with determination. Once I saw the school, I knew I was back home. My demon was now gone but I have have a feeling.

We will be see each other again. After all you can never get rid of a demon forever like that.

A/N Ok, I going to be honest. I was terrified about posting this. I didn't want get Kid angel speech wrong. As if I did, that would offend people in those community. I also would have just ruin my story. Luckily after a day of edited and rewrites and fighting my writer critic. This chapter is now out and I can happily say that I fine with this chapter. Next chapter this Friday on the 19.

* Discontinued series* The Last Apple. A kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now