bonus chapter

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"johnny ah!" taeyong whined as the taller refused to give him food after coercing him to work out. 

taeyong huffed out a breath he didn't know he was holding while laying sprawled about on his yoga mat. 

"it's good that you're working out," yuta teased as he continued to enjoy his workout with johnny. 

"i only did this for food and i'm not getting fed," taeyong pouted making the other two laugh. 

"i am never believing a word out of your mouth ever again," taeyong sighed whilst walking back to his room with the taller. he entered his room with a sulky attitude and shuts his door on johnny. 

sitting on his bed was a dimpled man who scrolled through his phone, waiting for his lover. jaehyun looked up to taeyong who was evidently sulky about johnny's empty promises. 

jaehyun tapped the empty spot beside him causing the older to flop onto his bed. "how was the workout?" 

"johnny promised me food and he never gave me it." taeyong whines into his mattress causing jaehyun to laugh. his laugh was like music to his ears and even after years, taeyong still felt butterflies around his lover. 

"lets go get some food then," jaehyun suggested in hopes to cure taeyong of his sadness causing the leader to snap his head up in excitement.  

taeyong nodded with enthusiasm. "yes please."

"lets go then, love."

as they wandered the streets with their mask and glasses to hide their identity, their hands brushed against each other. taeyong felt his blood rush as his hand briefly touched jaehyun's. however, although the two yearned to hold hands they knew that they couldn't in public. 

"lets eat here," jaehyun picked a restaurant that they used to go to during their trainee days. 

"what a nice choice," the leader laughed knowing why he picked it. 

as they ate dinner, they chatted about anything and everything. the two indulged in each others beauty and conversation as the world fell silence for once; that even with their busy schedule they felt like time slowed down. 

after they finished their long conversation and meal, they walked on the empty streets as they headed back to their dorm. the stars gleamed as the moon lit a pathway for them to find shelter once again. it was cold enough to see one's breath but it didn't stop them from enjoying their serene surrounding. they walked in comfortable silence, still cautious of holding hands in public. 

"taeyongie," the younger randomly broke their silence as they walked. 

"hmm?" the older hummed.

"i have a surprise for you," jaehyun's lips curved into a smile, revealing the depths of his dimples. he pulled out a small booklet from his inner pocket made out of paper and handed it to a confused taeyong. 

the front was written in jaehyun's hand writing which made taeyong even more bewildered as to what it could be. the two faced each other in the middle of the street with the stars shining above them. 

"to taeyong," was written on the front. 

as taeyong opened the book, he realized it was a collection of small love letters jaehyun had written. 

"dear taeyongie, 

i decided to write you small love letters and then make it into a collection for you just in case if you needed something to make you feel better. 

my favorite person in the entire world, 

thank you for everything you have done for me. time after time you have shown me your selfless, warm-hearted side of you which makes me so curious as to how i was lucky enough to have you. although your schedule is draining and the utmost tiring one i have seen, you make sure to take care of me. despite your lack of sleep and rest, you make sure you spend time with me. you are single-handedly the best person, leader and boyfriend anyone can ask for. i love you."

taeyong looked up to jaehyun with tears in his eyes. 

"are you crying?" the younger teased whilst wiggling his eyebrows. 

taeyong sniffled. "no, my eyes are sweating."

"keep reading," jaehyun practically whispers. 

"dear love,

i manage to fall more in love with you every single day. i would think to myself, "i cannot love him more," yet everyday you prove me wrong. loving you makes me feel like i'm free falling from the clouds and into your arms. even after years, you still give me butterflies and you still make me nervous with something so simple like your smile. being away from you was hard and i never knew how much you have become a necessity to me now i know that being away from you is something i never want to endure."

"dear taeyongie,

you looked so handsome today. i mean you always look handsome but today you looked extra handsome. you're always working hard and it makes me in awe of how dedicated you are as person. please take care of yourself; i always worry about you and your lack of rest. i love you."

"dear taeyongie,

you continue to take my breath away every single time. i wish you could see me the same way i see you because god, you would fall in love with yourself. you exude confidence and care and i constantly want to be around you. in moments where i lose hope, you become my hope and my strength and i hope that you can rely on me as well. i love you."

as taeyong read each love letter, his heart only grew for jaehyun. he never knew he needed to hear these words until jaehyun wrote them down and cured every heart ache that existed within him. after these years of being with him, he only taught taeyong one thing: euphoria. he used to experience waves of sadness and confusion but for once, he was experiencing waves of happiness and serenity. 

taeyong quickly pulls him into a hug, not caring if anyone saw, "i love you so much."

jaehyun is taken aback but smiled at the cute action as he wrapped his arms around taeyong's waist,  "i love you more."

and they stood there without a care, at night, feeling warmth in each other's embraces in the cold weather. 

AHHHH GUYS???? i'm back lol i haven't written in so long omg but i decided to since after coming back after years so many people read this book???? that is so cool omg. anyways, i got back into writing and decided to write more books lol and just published a new book. read it! I HOPE YOU ALL ARE DOING OK AND I LOVE U GUYS SM. THANK UUUU 

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