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"hyung!" haechan latched onto my arm fearing the fans who were now encompassing us.

"haechan! get back in the van!" i shoved him into the van trying to get him safely back in.

thank god no one else left the van except us two. i tried to squeeze past all the fans, tossing a gentle elbow here and there and after some rough pushes, i finally was successful. i hopped onto the van, clothes disarray, airpods nearly falling out, and my once clean white shoes were now full of brown stomps. i heaved a heavy breath as anger boiled in me.

where the fuck are our body guards??

"hyung are you okay?" yuta asked worriedly.

jungwoo looked over to haechan and hugged him, "how about you haechan?" mark patted haechan's shoulder as he scanned his face to see if there were any marks or scratches.

he nodded slowly still shocked at the scene that just unfolded.

"i will be," i responded with a cold tone.

i picked up my phone, dialed my manager and took some deep breaths trying to calm myself down. it rang into my ear until the other line clicked. without giving them a chance to talk i angrily said, "where the hell are our body guards?! haechan and i got trampled for gods sake!"

"we're sorry but we're having difficulties over here. apparently SM didn't plan ahead since you were in the hospital and they forgot to book you body guards..."

"how could you forget?! it's YOUR responsibility! haechan could've gotten hurt and with my condition i could've gotten worse. get your damn priorities straight, we're the source of your income," and with that i hung up. i lost my temperament i know, but as the leader i need to ensure the safety of the members and today it was just compromised.

the driver looked to us and nervously asked, "what should we do now sir?"
"just drive somewhere in the airport where they can't find us," i huffed and buckled my seatbelt.
i turned around in my seat, "are you okay haechan?" making sure he was alright.

he smiled, "i am thanks to you." i nodded and tossed in airpods trying to calm myself down. i forgot i was sitting next to jaehyun until he grabbed my hand and softly caressed it.

he softly whispered, "hey it's going to be okay. we're okay."

i smiled at the sweet yet simple assuring words and rested my head on his shoulder as he drew circles on my hand. he knows exactly how to calm me down.

we reached an underground, private garage waiting for our managers to arrive since i sent them quite a harsh text to meet us here. we waited for a couple of minutes in tense silence until we saw another van pull up. the staff and manager hesitantly went out of the van and walked over to us. we walked out, and i stood in front of everyone looking and feeling as mad as ever. i crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows waiting for them to start.

"i'm so sorry for what happened today, SM forgot-"

"i don't care what SM forgot," i tried my best to stay cool but almost failed until i felt a familiar presence behind me. his calming scent lingered into my nose and it made me relax my muscles. "but you're our manager and it's your job to ensure our safety and other precautions. this is the first and last time it's going to happen ok?"

they bowed after apologizing once again.

"just know it wasn't our intention," one of the managers said before walking back to the car.

i turned around and saw smiling members which confused me.

"what's with the smiles?" i said looking around.
winwin giggled. "you love us."
"and you care for us," mark cooed.
"well no shit," i responded.
"but for real thanks tae," taeil patted my back.
doyoung nodded and smile, "thanks for protecting us."
"yeah hyung," johnny went in for a hug, "thanks." i chuckled and patted him on the back.

jaehyun looked at me with longing eyes which i knew all too well since i felt it to, but we couldn't. not in front of everyone.

i winked at him and let go of johnny and walked over to hug him. a simple, loving hug. he revealed his cute little dimples with satisfaction that he got a hug as well. we got into the van once again and drove back to find security guards now waiting for us.

we hopped off the van and entered the airport. fans still crowded us with flashing cameras but at least we had space to even walk now. i had my mask and cap on, trying to refrain from showing my face or eyes because the flashing light was hurting my head.

in fact my leg was kind of hurting right now but we just need to pull through. i was the last one in the group to check through security and to get onto the plane. sadly i didn't get to sit with jaehyun because he had to sit with his managers so i sat with mark. he gleamed at me as i placed my bags down and put my seatbelt on.

"hey hyung long time no talk," he said as he put his seatbelt on too.
"we literally just talked yesterday," i responded while rolling my eyes.
"well yeah but not one on one."

and he was right. i've been so busy being leader that i haven't had a real conversation with mark for a while or any other member for that matter.

"how've you been mark?"
he smiled sadly, "i've been good. super tired. i miss being in dream but i'm glad we can go back to do what we love. how about you?"

i pondered on that question for a little. i didn't know how i was doing. i was doing great to say the least. my career was taking off, despite that set back, i have the best of friends and family and jaehyun.

i genuinely smiled, "im doing great."
mark giggled at the response. "you and jaehyun hyung are so cute."

i laughed, enjoying the compliment. i leaned back into my chair and relaxed a bit until i heard a sigh escape from mark.

i look over to him however he's looking over to haechan who's laughing with taeil.

"tell him," i simply said.
his eyes widened. "what do you mean?"
i scoffed. "you know what i mean. tell him you like him mark, before you regret it."

his face turned red and he looked down onto his lap.

"w-what if he doesn't feel the same way?"
"oh trust me he does."

another updateeeee ! it's not really proof read so i'm sorry for any mistakes. also STREAM JOPPING and if you can buy their albums as well!!! they're selling in target :))THEYRE NUMBER THREE ON BILLBOARD LETS GET THEM TO NUMBER ONE! i also have a psa: please support taeyong! he's going through a lot of things right now that antis are trying to spread. for example: the rumors they've started aren't true!!! it's been proven more than once. he cares for us truly and as nctzens we must support him! if you can meet him please tell him that he's worth it! anyways i hope you've all had a good day/night/evening! love you all!

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