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due to being one of the most famous k pop groups ever, i can't be with the one i want to be with most. i'm lost in a hectic world, with no guidance to bring me back into the calm. i love my job, but sometimes i feel suffocated. everything i do has to go by my managers, everything i say has to go by my managers, for god's sake everything i wear has to go by my managers. it's hard to take a breath around here. but when i'm with him, everything stops: the craziness, the confusion, the bewilderment- all of it. do i know how he feels? no not at all. and it's killing me. i'd do anything to hear his thoughts. but it's impossible. by the way this unrequited lover is me: i'm lee taeyong.

"hyung ah! can we please get ice cream?" mark whined. we were back at the dorm on our mini vacation. it was insane how busy our schedules were but for once our managers had mercy on us and gave us a week break.

"aiya go get it yourself! it's literally downstairs!" i said while rolling my eyes.

kids these days.

mark groaned and pouted trying to convince me to go with him since he's scared of going by himself. why? i'm not so sure. it's literally only johnny and haechan down there filming whatever they're filming for youtube.

i rolled my eyes. "no!"

mark did his puppy eyes and pouted even more.

i sighed in defeat and got up, "fine. get your ass moving."

he jumped up from his bed and walked behind me as we made our way to the kitchen.

at the dining table, johnny and haechan were laughing about some joke they just made.

"o-oh hey guys," mark stuttered. his face flushed and he started fidgeting in his spot.

i rolled my eyes in annoyance. he wasn't even gonna get his damn ice cream anytime soon. but i really wanted some too, so i walked to door leading to the kitchen and pushed it slightly.

walking in, i saw a tall figure in a white t-shirt and pajama pants standing at the counter mixing some tea. his light pink hair was messy and covered a bit of his forehead and his t-shirt hugged his chest. he looked up and smiled at me, revealing his cute dimples of his.

"hey," he smiled while resting his cup on the table.
i smiled back, "hey."

i made my way to the fridge and opened it to find an entire tub of ice cream left. i smiled and grabbed it out, accidentally knocking out some food in the freezer. it made a loud clang as it hit the ground and i flinched as i heard it.

i hate loud noises.

"taeyongie you good?"

his nicknames gave me the weirdest butterflies, but his presence sent an entire damn forest into my stomach.

"yeah i am," i huffed.

i heard footsteps reach behind me and suddenly stop. i bent down holding the tub of ice cream in my left arm and tried picking things up with my right hand. i couldn't pick up everything since my hands were quite small but the pink haired boy noticed so he bent down and helped me. i looked to him and sheepishly smiled and he smiled back.

god he's so cute.

we both stood up but due to him being super tall he accidentally hit his head on the fridge door.

"are you okay??" i shoved the things into the freezer, rested the tub on the counter and tiptoed to check his head. he rubbed his head gently trying to push the pain away but he didn't do a good job at it.

"aiya jaehyunnie you need to be more careful," i said.
he chuckled and i looked into his eyes with utter confusion.


he chuckled again revealing even more of his dimples and said, "nothing."

i rolled my eyes and opened the freezer again to get some ice. i got a piece of napkin, wrapped it around the pack so it wouldn't be too cold and gave it to him.
"thanks taeyongie," he said while smiling.

i winked as a way to say thank you and immediately regretted it after. my face flushed and i felt the room getting hot. my breathing became shaky and i started fidgeting with my fingers. the pink haired boy's cheeks went red and he chuckled nervously.

"okay well i'm gonna watch a movie and eat my ice cream," i said trying to crack the awkwardness between us.

i turned around and started walking out the door as i waved goodbye with my free hand.

i stopped right in front of my door and slowly turned around. the pink haired boy grabbed his tea, rested the ice pack on the counter and walked over to me, "can i join?"

i would say yes but if i do i might not control myself. GODDAMMIT JAEHYUN WHATRE YOU TRYNA DO?!

i smiled, "sure."

we headed upstairs into my room which i shared with mark. but mark is busy playing video games downstairs with haechan and johnny. i rested the tub of ice cream on my bed as i walked to the tv and played my favorite movie, murder mystery. as i turned around i saw that jaehyun made himself at home by going onto my bed and sliding under the sheets. i smiled sheepishly once again at the thought he was in my bed and slowly walked to the end of the bed, trying to not invade his personal space.

"taeyongie what're you doing?"

i turned around to look at his beautiful yet confused eyes, "giving you you're space."

he scoffed and rolled his eyes, "come here." he patted the space next to him with his right hand. it took me a minute to process what's going on. i mean, i always was around him but my feelings are making my heart skip a beat and butterflies suddenly soaring throughout my stomach. but finally snapping out of it, i slowly crawled into the spot next to him and grabbed my ice cream in the process. i smiled as i opened the tub of ice cream and ate it slowly as the movie played.

"can i have some?"

i looked at the ethereal boy next to me and smiled. i scooped some ice cream and fed it to him. he smiled as a response, once again revealing his dimples.
ugh he's so cute.

i returned my eyes to the movie not trying to make it obvious i was slightly staring. in the midst of eating ice cream, i felt contact on my thigh. i looked down and realized it was jaehyun's hand. i looked to him with red cheeks but he was focused on the movie.
my face turned even more red while all i could hear was my heartbeat.

this is going to be a long night.

will be editing the story 🥰

OMG HEY GUYS! lol this is like my third story i'm in the middle of writing. idk i started writing this bc i wanted my stories to be more realistic? and the idea just popped into my head last night. yes i'm still writing my two other books buttttttt i take a lot of time writing especially my book "not about angels." i'm almost done with the next chapter of surrendered to love as well but then got the idea for this book and so started writing this lol. it'll be shorter than my other books/chapters but still full of fluff, humor and love of jaeyong :) also there might be some curse words, hope y'all are ok with it!! okay anyways have a good rest of ur day or night!!

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