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"super...m?" donghyuck said slowly while turning to mark with puppy dog eyes.

we were back from the meeting and chatting with the members about the big news. to say that they were absolutely shocked would be underselling it.

"what about nct?" taeil asked worriedly.

"it'll still be a group," i smiled, "don't worry. we will be active. mark and i will just do super m as well."

"hyung," winwin pouted, "you're gonna overwork yourself."

"yeah you're the leader taeyong hyung! how are you going to handle this and super m?"

i sighed. i didn't know how. i'm exhausted now, i don't know how i'd be with superm as well.

"honestly i don't know, but please be supportive for me and mark. i just need your support."

"winwin when're you're leaving for wayv?" yuta asked quietly.

"soon," winwin sniffled, "too soon."

"i'll miss you so much," jungwoo cried and wrapped his arms around winwin.

doyoung groaned. "what's happening to our group?"

"please let's all still be close," mark plead.

everyone nodded except jaehyun. he was staring off into the distance, with tears forming in the corner of his eyes. he was zoning out and i knew so well that he was hurting.

"jaehyunnie come here," i pulled his arm and walked him into my room.

he stood there motionless against the door, staring at me.

"are you okay?" i asked worriedly.
"no," he said coldly.

it stung to see him so hurt. it pained me to see him like this. i wanted to end his pain so badly. i just wanted him to be happy.

"do you want to talk about it?"

"no," he responded again.

i stood there silently unsure of what to do. my heart was breaking by the second. i looked down to my feet, trying to hide the evident tears and emotions i had from him. i knew jaehyun always had a hard time talking about his emotions, he'd always been reserved. i didn't want to bear him with my problems. but i thought we built that trust to the point where there's no worry for judgement.

"okay," i sighed and walked over to him. i kissed him on the cheek and turned around to head into the bathroom for a good cry in the shower. as i tried walking away, he grabbed my arm. he spun me around quickly and wrapped me in a tight hug.
i inhaled his amazing scent, the one i knew so well that it felt like home. home wasn't a place for me, it was a person. and home was jaehyun.

"i'm sorry," he sniffled, "it's so hard to process that you're leaving."

"oh baby," tears started dropping down my face, "me too. but i'll be with you the entire time. not as much physically but always internally."

he tightened the hug. "but i want to be around you all the time."

i sniffled. "i know jaehyunnie. but we will get through this."

"what if you find someone new? what if you fall in love with someone else?"

"what?" i was shocked that he would even think that.

"baby you know i love you and only you right? that you're the only person who makes my heart pound, that you're the one i genuinely love so much that it hurts? please don't ever think that."

"it's hard taeyong," he buried his face into my shoulder, "i just got you and now you have to go away."

i wrapped my arms tighter around his waist. i inhaled his scent trying maintain the calmness she brought into my life. "i know but i will be with you. i promise okay?"

"pinky promise?" he whispered.

i chuckled. "pinky promise."

he released me from the hug and cupped my face.

"taeyong i love you. please don't ever leave me."

"i promise."

he smiled, revealing his adorable dimples and leaned in for a kiss. his hands reached for my waist to bring me closer to him. my hands found its way into his hair as our tongues fought for dominance and of course jaehyun won. it was starting to become heated, as we wanted more and more....

"HYUNG IM HUNGRY!" jungwoo complained storming into the room.

jaehyun and i broke the kiss with irritation stained on our faces.

"uh..." jungwoo scratched the nape of his neck, "sorry."

i rolled my eyes. "can't you just cook?"

he pouted. "i mean i can but i'm lazy."

jaehyun crossed his arms. "you're joking right?"

he chuckled shyly. "no?"

jaehyun crossed his arms and flared at jungwoo. his face turned red and then he got even more uncomfortable as jaehyun didn't stop glaring.

"okayyyy," i pushed jaehyun back, "i'll cook later. give me thirty minutes."

"but-" i gave jungwoo the knowing look before he could even continue and he finally caught on, "okay never mind. i'll just... uh... shave."

"bye," jaehyun waved.

jungwoo slowly head to the door and as he reached the doorknob, he turned around and looked at me. "by the way i'm kinda craving for-"

"jungwoo, i love you but leave," jaehyun said dryly and grabbed my arm.

jungwoo stuck his tongue out and started heading out the door. "rude ass bitch," and sighed as he left.

jaehyun turned to me. "so where were we?"

i crossed my arms and cocked an eyebrow. i started shaking my leg and gave him the facial expression where he knew i was angry.

"what's wrong?" jaehyun pouted cutely.
"don't act rude to the members," i said sternly.

then, jaehyun smiled revealing the cutest dimples ever with the puppy dog eyes.

"cmon taeyongie," he pouted.
i tried my best to remain my straight face. "nuh uh. it isn't going to work jaehyun."
he stepped closer to me opening his arms. "taeyongie ah..."
i rolled my eyes. "stop."

he engulfed me in his arms and started kissing my neck. i bit my lip to stop myself from releasing moans of pleasure as he hit my soft spot. i quickly pushed him away so i could gain control again.

"taeyongieeeeee," he whined. he started to pucker up his lips and leaned into me. i put my palm up so he ended up kissing my hand which made him quickly pull away and whine once again.

"jaehyun," i tried saying as sternly as i can, "respect our members."
he groaned. "i do, i just hate them interrupting our... moments."
i rolled my eyes. "well looks like we're gonna have to deal with it."

he wrapped his arms around my hips and leaned
closer to my face. "promise?" he smirked.

i smiled back. "pink promise."

i'm back w a fluff chapter bc why not yk. also this story will not match a lot of the events that has happened lol. i'm just tryna make it the way i imagined it. stream love talk by wayv. it's our new hoe anthem y'all! hehe 🤪anywayssss i hope you enjoyed & THANK U FOR 600 reads!!! it means so much and i'll be back soonnnnnnn. bye :)

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