i hate him

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Dear Diary,
I was on my way to space to spread my beauty all over the universe but that stupid Alien came and ruined everything

A-lan: Bucky what are you doing in our ship?!

Bucky: I'm going to space duh

A-lan: Only aliens can travel in the whole universe if you go there you will die

Bucky: I don't take orders from a monster, I do what I want

A-lan: let's get out of here*takes his hand and pulls him out*

Bucky: let go of me stupid alien!

''A-lan:*draws Bucky to the teleporter and they exit the ship *''

''Bucky:*notices he's still holding A-lan's hand and blushes a little* get off me right now!''

''A-lan:*let go* why are you angry I just saved your life''

Bucky: Because because of you I won't be able to show my beautiful face and my great moves to the whole universe

A-lan: oh please people don't want to see you dance or see your cute little face''.

Bucky: urgh you're pissing me off

And then I left.... I just realized he said my face was cute... Was he saying that in mockery or did he mean it? Either way I don't care...right?

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