Alien for a day

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(Pov Bucky:)

Today A-lan invited me to spend some time at his place. I arrive and ring the bell.

A-lan: Hi sweetheart

Bucky: hello my love

I kiss his cheek.

A-lan: do you want to be an alien?

Bucky: what do you mean by that?

He takes me by the hand and makes me sit down on a chair

Bucky: Are you going to knock me out or what?

A-lan laughs and gets out the dye

A-lan: I was going to put some on you, well, unless it bothers you, it lasts 24 hours.

Bucky: if it's not permanent my parents won't be mad

He puts the dye on me and about an hour later my hair is completely blue. He takes out some makeup and puts their symbol on my cheek. He kisses me

A-lan: you are so cute

Bucky: I would like to see me

A-lan: just one more touch

He pulls out an alien outfit

Bucky: O-M-G She's beautiful

A-lan: Go try it on

I go to put it on and it fits perfectly. I look at myself in a big wall mirror and I must admit that I look pretty good.

I join A-lan and he is speechless

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I join A-lan and he is speechless.

Bucky: do you like me better like this?

A-lan: I would love you no matter what you look like

I blush and give him a hug

We went out and walked around town. We ran into Addison and Zed.

A-lan: hi friends

Zed: Hi A-lan, who is this person?



Bucky: no no it's just a dye job and a disguise

A-lan and I laugh together we say goodbye before continuing our walk.

Bucky: imagine if I really were an alien. The boy who hated monsters ended up becoming one

A-lan: the cutest alien ever.

Bucky: No, you are.

A-lan: I'm not going to refuse the compliment

We took some pictures together and went to his place.

Bucky: is it ok if I sleep at your place?

A-lan: no problem

I called my mom to let her know. I take off my makeup and just realized I don't have any pajamas with me.

A-lan: a problem?

Bucky: I don't have any pajamas

A-lan: I don't have any to lend you but you can wear one of my sweaters

Bucky: thank you

I take a blue sweater and put it on, it's a little too big for me but it's not a big deal. I take off my pants and follow to stay in boxers to be more comfortable I join A-lan and see that he wears just shorts, I also notice that he managed to get to 10 packs abs, I blush a lot. I am sure of it. I join him in the bed.

Bucky: why do you have a double bed if you live alone?

A-lan: I like to have space to sleep

Bucky: oh right.

I notice he is trying to open the TV and is struggling. I laugh and open it for him. I lay on top of him and we watch TV until we fall asleep.

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