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(Pov Bucky:)

Today I am in A-lan's house. We are on his bed. I'm sitting between his legs and I have my laptop. I am playing sims and he is watching.

A-lan: what is the purpose of this game?

Bucky: it's a life simulation.

A-lan: why play a life simulation if you can live it.

Bucky: you can do a lot of things that you can't do in real life

A-lan: and how do we win!

Bucky: *sigh* there is no winning...unless you do a challenge

A-lan: what's woohoo?

Bucky: no no no

He clicks on the woohoo option and our sims go to bed I blush so much and so does he

A-lan: I should try to be less curious....

Bucky: yes...

We look at each other in the eyes so embarrassed and we start to grumble together.

A-lan: maybe one day we will

Bucky: WHAT?!

A-lan: no nothing🙃

I'm even more red than before. I come to discover this side of his personality. I keep playing and my sim gets abducted by Aliens. I look at A-lan and he's a little lost.

Bucky: my sim has been kidnapped by aliens

A-lan: forever

Bucky: no he will come back

I set the time to x3 and my sims comes back.  His belly shines.

Bucky: oh no

A-lan: what's going on

Bucky: he got me pregnant

A-lan: that's impossible

A-lan: when a boy sims gets kidnapped he can come back pregnant.

A-lan: but we haven't done this kind of practice for years

Bucky: Excuse me?

A-lan explains to me that it's in case their population is decreasing but I don't really listen to him. I'm just imagining the fact that we can have children biologically. I thought we would have to adopt if we wanted to but this is a whole new possibility.

(Pov A-lan:)

I'm trying to talk to Bucky but he's stuck in his thoughts. I'd like to know what he's thinking but I've been pretty curious today. Well sorry Bucky but I need to know what is taking all your attention. I take out my Luma Lens and place it in front of his eye. He imagines us with childrens, our childrens. I can see that this is not an experiment and that he really wants to spend his life with me. I love him so much.

A-lan: Bucky I love you

Bucky: I love you more

A-lan: If we had children what would you call them?

Bucky: I thought of Matt if it was a boy

A-lan: I would name him Trevor

Bucky: we'll know in time

We keep playing sims and Bucky is tired and falls asleep on me. I try to do some challenges but they are too easy. I close the computer and fall asleep.

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