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(Pov A-lan:)

I ran after Bucky and caught up with him pretty quickly


He yells this at me with tears in his eyes

A-lan: I'm really sorry... I was just trying to impress you

Bucky: why should you impress me. You excel at all sports, you're polite, funny, cute, you're perfect

I see he's starting to blush again... wait he just said I'm cute

A-lan: look Bucky, I'm not perfect, like everyone else I have my faults, I tend to be too competitive and yesterday I lost my temper

Bucky: because of me

A-lan: who cares whose fault it was, I just wanted to be your friend but...

Before I even finish my sentence he hugs me

Bucky: I also apologize for my attitude

I hug him back

(Pov Jacey:)

I finish paying for the clothes that A-lan took and I join my friends. I arrive and see them both hugging and blushing. Bucky notices me and drops A-lan.

Jacey: Let's go have some fun

We went around the mall and I went ''to the bathroom'' a lot to give them some alone time.

(Pov Bucky:)

We all met to leave

Lacey: Did everyone have a good time?

Stacey: Oh my gosh yes! A-spen was so much fun

A-spen and you got me such great clothes

Lacey: Some boys wouldn't stop hitting on us

A-li: I gave them a good lesson *shrugs*.

Everyone laughed

A-lan: we had a lot of fun

He smiles at me and I feel myself blushing. We go to our truck and I feel so tired that I fall asleep.

(Pov A-lan:)

I can't believe Bucky fell asleep on top of me he's so cute when he sleeps. You think he's cute. A-li thought of him," I said, "NO. A-spen thinks "why are you blushing then? I think you love him" "I don't feel the same way as you do with Zed and Willa" "Tomorrow we'll ask Addison, she's the expert" it was A-li "Okay then" I said

(Pov A-lan:)

A-li, A-spen and I finished getting ready and we walk to Addison's house A-spen rings the bell and Missy comes to open the door she is now wearing her natural hair which has finally turned blue.

A-spen: Hi, we're here to see Addison

Missy: She's in her room upstairs.

We're going up the stairs and greeting Addison

Addison: Hi guys, I didn't expect to see you

A-li: we came because we think A-lan is in love

A-spen: can you confirm it

Addison: please tell me how you feel about this person

A-lan: I often blush when I'm with him, I think he's cute and funny, I'm afraid to disappoint him and I feel less confident in front of him, so I'm a bit hotter than usual

Addison: A-lan you are in love

A-lan: what should I do now that we've only just become friends

Addison: try to spend some time alone with this person... can I know who it is?

A-lan: Bucky...

Addison: That's great! He hates monsters so if he agreed to be your friend, chances are he'll like you

My friends are jumping for joy

Addison gives me his phone and dials Bucky's number

Addison: Invite him at !!!!

Buckky: hello Addison

A-lan: uh hi Bucky

Bucky: A-lan?

He says it in a slightly surprised tone

A-lan: yes hehe I...uh...I challenge you to spend the evening with me tomorrow starting at 7pm

I say it very quickly while blushing

Bucky: challenge accepted

A-lan: see you tomorrow

Bucky: see you tomorrow *hook*

A-lan: what now?

A-spen: since he wanted to go to space, take him to a place where you can see the stars

Addison: good idea

A-spen: go see Willa she must know one

A-li: pfft that's a reason to go see her

A-spen blushes a little and they take our arm and lead us to the wolves' den

A-spen: Hi Willa!

Willa: Hi beautiful

A-lan: I was wondering if you know a good place for stargazing

Willa: I don't really know any but

Wyatt: but I do, follow me

Ali and A-spen stayed with Willa and Wynter while Wyatt led me to the place

Wyatt: You miss the space?

A-lan: no but...I have a date with's not really a date. I wish we could go stargazing together

Wyatt: aww that's sweet. We're here.

I observe the place, there is a beautiful stream flowing, greenery everywhere, big trees that leaves us yet a beautiful view to the sky

A-lan: Wyatt it's beautiful thank you very much

Wyatt: it is normal to help a friend

Everything is ready for tomorrow. I can't wait

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